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What defines a terrorist?

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The acceptance by others that acts of terrorism aren't necessarily a bad thing.


You might recall the description was being used to devalue Mandela's achievements, which I didn't agree with.


---------- Post added 06-12-2013 at 23:00 ----------



Can you provide proof of his complicity? You won't find it on the Stormfront website btw :)



Try reading the book,might open your eyes,but then again;)


---------- Post added 06-12-2013 at 23:23 ----------


The killing of innocents cant be justified ever? I don't actually disagree with that statement, it sounds true to me. First sensible thing you've come out with this evening.


Just one thing though Southcoast, please tell us, which organization has been responsible for the deaths of most innocent women & children, the IRA? The ANC? or the RAF?


Simple question really, you don't even have to Google it to know the answer do you? Innocent women & children remember?


Things are not quite as black & white as they appear in your world are they?



There is a train of thought that says bomber command engaged in crimes against humanity,terrorism if you will.

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On that definition you could accuse some unions of being terrorists. Threatening strike action damaging the company's prospects & future could be easily classed as intimidation.


Or indeed to government for trying to push them in the first place

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What defines a terrorist? … Sorry to be simplistic its someone that causes terror, fear etc! Its black and white to me with no shades of gray.


So it applies to people, organisations and states which use violence to achieve their objectives?


---------- Post added 07-12-2013 at 08:03 ----------


Try reading the book,might open your eyes,but then again;)


His autobiography? I have read it and it doesn't prove the claims you're making.

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What defines a terrorist? … Sorry to be simplistic its someone that causes terror, fear etc! Its black and white to me with no shades of gray.


So the French Resistance were terrorists were they for causing fear and distress to the Nazi occupiers?


Were the Royal Air Force terrorists when they caused terror by carpet bombing German cities?

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Its amazing how some can defend terrorism:( the killing of innocents cant be justified EVER.

Here is a list of convictions for terrorist offences that Mandela was complicit it,is this terrorism or not,you decide.??For me this defines a terrorist.



Do you regret the end of apartheid in SA?


---------- Post added 07-12-2013 at 10:01 ----------


the killing of innocents cant be justified EVER.


I look forward to seeing your condemnation of the killing of innocent Pakistanis by US drone strikes.

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Or indeed to government for trying to push them in the first place


I never worked in the public sector, so was referring to unions within the private business area.

Don't disagree with your point on the government however. The whole miners strike fiasco was basically engineered to break the power of the unions & that muppet Scargill fell for it.


Back on topic I'll give you the definition of terrorist as explained by two Irishmen.


'The purpose of a terrorist is to terrorise.' Michael Collins, one of the greatest men who ever lived, & an unapologetic Terrorist. As an underdog fighting against the power of a ruthless State you need to get inventive. He is still studied at Sandhurst today & his methods employed by virtually all armed forces when 'Special Forces' come into play.


'The terrorist is the man with the small bomb.' Brenden Behan great writer, bloody useless as an IRA man. :)

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I can't believe some of the people in here. In your effort to generalise everything (because everything has to be black and white for some reason) you confuse Mandela with the two crackheads that killed Lee Rigby.


Those idiots weren't terrorists, they were murderous psychopaths, there is a significant difference. You will find Breivik in a similar category.


Mandela fought against a regime that oppressed 95% of its society. Once he won his battle for equality the blankes and swartes united under him. They faced up to the fact that their country had massive issues and bar a few ranchers who had profited enormously from the oppression almost all people in South Africa knew it was time to change.


Terrorists always believe that they are fighting for a just cause, as do psychopaths, it is a very thin line. But look at Syria now, who is the terrorist? There is so much more to this than anyone can comprehend. Yet here we are, pointing fingers at one of the greatest figures in history 'because he was a terrorist.'

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---------- Post added 06-12-2013 at 23:23 ----------




There is a train of thought that says bomber command engaged in crimes against humanity,terrorism if you will.



In my view they did, certainly in the case of Dresden. Had the result gone the other way it would have been Churchill, 'Bomber' Harris & assorted other ranking Officers from the Allies in the dock, & the verdict would have been the same.


Our defence would have been ' Well, you started it & left us with no option.' Which is usually the defence offered by most terrorist/resistance groups.


In the end it all comes down to justification. Was there another way? Are the people you are up against amenable to reasonable compromise? Are your demands just & reasonable?


Up against an implacable ruthless foe determined to deny you your rights Freedom Fighting may be all you have left.


Your enemy will then brand you a terrorist. :o

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1981 – 2 car bombs at Durban showrooms

1983 – Church Street Bomb (killed 19, wounded 217)

1984 – Durban car bomb (killed 5, wounded 27)

1985-1987 – At least 150 landmines on farm roads (killed 125)

1985 – Amanzimtoti Sanlam shopping centre bomb Dec 23 (killed 2 white women and 3 white children)

1986 – Magoo’s Bar bomb (killed 3, wounded 69)

1986 – Newcastle Court bomb (wounded 24)

1987 – Johannesburg Court bomb (killed 3, wounded 10)

1987 – Wits command centre car bomb (killed 1, wounded 6

1988 – Johannesburg video arcade (killed 1 unborn baby, wounded 10)

1988 – Roodepoort bank bomb (killed 4, wounded 1

1988 – Pretoria Police housing unit, 2 bombs (wounded 3)

1988 – Magistrate’s Court bomb (killed 3)

1988 – Benoni Wimpy Bar bomb (killed 1, wounded 56)

1988 – Witbank shopping centre bomb (killed 2, wounded 42)

1988 – Ellis Park Rugby Stadium car bomb (killed 2, wounded 37)

Late 1980s – numerous Wimpy Restaurant bombs (killed many, wounded many)

Wasn't he in Robben Island or Victor Verster prisons when all these happened?


I can swear to the fact that he was never anything but imprisoned, during the whole of my first 27 years on this earth... I certainly remember the live footage of him walking out of the prison, a free man at last.

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