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To the guys! .. Would you?

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Personally, I'm beyond such shallowness. If I like people I do so without consideration to their personal circumstances. My compassion for someone goes beyond their assets or some estimation of the capacity of their intelligence.

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To the guys... would you go out with a girl that don’t have a job, don’t have a car, and expects you to pay for a meal and cinema?


TBH no.


IF she didn't expect it then I'd offer to pay but if she were to state that I had to take her out and pay for it all then she'd get told where to go.


The above sounds a lot like an ex of mine, except she did have a car/job and still thought I should pay for everything, even when I was made redundant.

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To the guys... would you go out with a girl that don’t have a job, don’t have a car, and expects you to pay for a meal and cinema?




yeah man at the end of the day women aint the bredwinner thats the mans job


as long as you git some hanky panky thats fine or you could just pay for it i dont do that but me mate does

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