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Christmas Shopping Tips & Tricks

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Hey, maybe up to and over 5 years ago I like everyone else, used to trawl round town on dark weekend afternoons finding Xmas gifts for seasons greetings, I am not religious so if I did not have a family then it would be just another day to me, I am an adult so not fussed at all about it and the same as my birthdays, just another day.


Now over recent years including this year, I have done all my shopping on the internet, it has been good in a way that I am taking up DJ'ing and when buying music on Amazon it auto-rips the album to its cloud player, a real plus for getting music from different genres.


It is sometimes a problem when ordering electrical items or obscure things but the delivery is usually very reasonable, I only used a manufacturer website to get one item this year and they initially said that the estimated delivery would be over a week after Xmas, a real problem, so having phoned them up personally they put urgent on the delivery and over 2 weeks after I purchased it they have come today, a real relief.


I should expect the rest of my stuff to come either today or next week, a good time to get them before the madness of Xmas, I usually try and order my stuff at the end of November as to get the best possible price and the earliest Xmas deliveries out of the way.


Any later than November or early December it can be a problem, if the deliveries are delayed then you could easily miss items before the big day, so a tip to anyone, get them out of the way at the end of November then you have up to a month to get your stuff, a safer way to shop :rolleyes:


I got the last of my gifts yesterday so hope to save up some money and relax before the mass Xmas exodus.

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If Christmas was anything to do with religion(Christianity), then the devout Christian countries would have the same mental waste of money on the same day as we do in England and they don't.


It is basically more to do with our country and its modern tradition of pigging out and wasting money. 25th of December is the day it has always been.


To be perfectly honest, the recent recession has been great because many people have had an excuse not to waste so much money, an excuse to say I'm sorry I can't afford much this year.

People really respect this in general. there is no need to go back to the waste we had before.

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Hey, maybe up to and over 5 years ago I like everyone else, used to trawl round town on dark weekend afternoons finding Xmas gifts for seasons greetings, I am not religious so if I did not have a family then it would be just another day to me, I am an adult so not fussed at all about it and the same as my birthdays, just another day.


Now over recent years including this year, I have done all my shopping on the internet, it has been good in a way that I am taking up DJ'ing and when buying music on Amazon it auto-rips the album to its cloud player, a real plus for getting music from different genres.


It is sometimes a problem when ordering electrical items or obscure things but the delivery is usually very reasonable, I only used a manufacturer website to get one item this year and they initially said that the estimated delivery would be over a week after Xmas, a real problem, so having phoned them up personally they put urgent on the delivery and over 2 weeks after I purchased it they have come today, a real relief.


I should expect the rest of my stuff to come either today or next week, a good time to get them before the madness of Xmas, I usually try and order my stuff at the end of November as to get the best possible price and the earliest Xmas deliveries out of the way.


Any later than November or early December it can be a problem, if the deliveries are delayed then you could easily miss items before the big day, so a tip to anyone, get them out of the way at the end of November then you have up to a month to get your stuff, a safer way to shop :rolleyes:


I got the last of my gifts yesterday so hope to save up some money and relax before the mass Xmas exodus.


Who would have thought it.

I might get this internet thing.

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How good is AMAZON?? i only take one day off a week from work and fishing and too exhausted to go shopping with the great unwashed, so this year managed to get it all done on AMAZON in about 2 hours !! bloomin great, they also gift wrap result!!! this is definitely the new way:hihi:

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How good is AMAZON?? i only take one day off a week from work and fishing and too exhausted to go shopping with the great unwashed, so this year managed to get it all done on AMAZON in about 2 hours !! bloomin great, they also gift wrap result!!! this is definitely the new way:hihi:


Are you hunting on Boxing Day this year ab?

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