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Overlooked Mandella's opinions on the USA and Israel

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As the great and the good, suddenly associate themselves with someone with principles, as they themselves have little outside material accumulation, conveniently forget inconvenient attitudes that interfere with their personal gain plan.



1) Prior to the US invasion of Iraq, Mandela declared that former President George W. Bush’s primary motive was ‘oil’, while adding that Bush was undermining the UN.


“If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings,” Mandela said.


2) Mandela spoke out against the invasion of Iraq, as the US prepared its mass-action in 2002, Mandela told Newsweek:


“If you look at those matters, you will come to the conclusion that the attitude of the United States of America is a threat to world peace.”


3) Mandela supported Palestinian Liberation Organization and in 1999, he agreed to be a political mediator between Israel and its neighbors.


“Israel should withdraw from all the areas which it won from the Arabs in 1967, and in particular Israel should withdraw completely from the Golan Heights, from south Lebanon and from the West Bank,” Mandela stated, according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency’s Suzanne Belling.


4) On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, December 4. 1997, Mandela stated:


“The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”

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At around 5.30am yesterday morning it was amusing to watch Tony Blair being interviewed regarding the passing of his good mate Mandela when the interviewer asked about Mandela's opinion of Blairs role in the Iraq war. Strangely I didn't see that bit of the interview repeated again but it was both sickening and amusing to watch the slimy bast wriggling out of it again.


Our politicians are disgusting people with absolutely no integrity whatsoever and using the death of a genuinely decent bloke like Mandela to capitalise is beyond contempt.



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Churchill also had very distasteful attitudes to Ghandi and others...


He even talked about having De Gaulle bumped off.



Gandhi and his pacifism is another myth ,he actively encouraged the British to recruit Indians in Natal into the army during the Zulu war. He argued that Indians should support the war efforts in order to legitimize their claims to full citizenship.

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As the great and the good, suddenly associate themselves with someone with principles, as they themselves have little outside material accumulation, conveniently forget inconvenient attitudes that interfere with their personal gain plan.



1) Prior to the US invasion of Iraq, Mandela declared that former President George W. Bush’s primary motive was ‘oil’, while adding that Bush was undermining the UN.


“If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings,” Mandela said.


2) Mandela spoke out against the invasion of Iraq, as the US prepared its mass-action in 2002, Mandela told Newsweek:


“If you look at those matters, you will come to the conclusion that the attitude of the United States of America is a threat to world peace.”


3) Mandela supported Palestinian Liberation Organization and in 1999, he agreed to be a political mediator between Israel and its neighbors.


“Israel should withdraw from all the areas which it won from the Arabs in 1967, and in particular Israel should withdraw completely from the Golan Heights, from south Lebanon and from the West Bank,” Mandela stated, according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency’s Suzanne Belling.


4) On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, December 4. 1997, Mandela stated:


“The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”


On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, December 4. 1997, Mandela..... Source Russia Today


An alternative title might be:


Putin jumps on Mandella band wagon to promote his own views.

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As the great and the good, suddenly associate themselves with someone with principles, as they themselves have little outside material accumulation, conveniently forget inconvenient attitudes that interfere with their personal gain plan.



1) Prior to the US invasion of Iraq, Mandela declared that former President George W. Bush’s primary motive was ‘oil’, while adding that Bush was undermining the UN.


“If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings,” Mandela said.


2) Mandela spoke out against the invasion of Iraq, as the US prepared its mass-action in 2002, Mandela told Newsweek:


“If you look at those matters, you will come to the conclusion that the attitude of the United States of America is a threat to world peace.”


3) Mandela supported Palestinian Liberation Organization and in 1999, he agreed to be a political mediator between Israel and its neighbors.


“Israel should withdraw from all the areas which it won from the Arabs in 1967, and in particular Israel should withdraw completely from the Golan Heights, from south Lebanon and from the West Bank,” Mandela stated, according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency’s Suzanne Belling.


4) On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, December 4. 1997, Mandela stated:


“The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”


Seems reasonable to me.

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Cannot see a problem here. Mandella's views seem perfectly reasonable to me. As to Blair he should be tried for war crimes alongside his mate George W.


With regard to him squirming out of stuff it's par for the course with that guy. What really sickened me about the Iraq situation was that America stated quite clearly that they didn't require our physical help only our political backing.


Blair however insisted that we contribute troops. No doubt this was to secure his place in the history books which he claims to have no interest in.


As far as I'm concerned, the blood of every British serviceman & woman killed or maimed in Iraq, together with the innocent Iraqis killed & injured, is on Blair's hands.


How that man sleeps at night I have no idea, although I suppose the money helps.

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Gandhi and his pacifism is another myth ,he actively encouraged the British to recruit Indians in Natal into the army during the Zulu war. He argued that Indians should support the war efforts in order to legitimize their claims to full citizenship.


Wasn't Gandhi in Africa in his early 20s and then espoused pacifism as pet of his strategy for indian independence later in his life. Aren't people allowed to change their views as they get older?


I'm 48 now and the views I have now are different to the views I held 20 years ago.

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