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Overlooked Mandella's opinions on the USA and Israel

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Since 1994, 68,000 whites have been brutally tortured and murdered by blacks in South Africa, in ways too gruesome to describe, including almost 4,000 farmers whose farms were confiscated by savage murderers, a combined area of over 25,000 square miles.


Under white rule, blacks in South Africa enjoyed better living conditions than any other African country, where blacks kill each other in tribal warfare.


In 1994, the same year Mandela took power, the Hutu tribe killed 800,000 Tutsis in Rwanda. Similar tribal genocides have taken place in Congo, Somalia, Ethiopia, Chad, Mali, Zimbabwe, Angola and many more African countries. Tribal savagery and genocide has always been a way of life for Africans.


Since Mandela took over, South Africa has become a Third World country. It went from being the safest country in Africa, to being the rape and murder capital of the world. In Johannesburg,


Mandela never apologized for any of the ANC bombings(which I posted a list of but was taken off by the mods):suspect:.

Nor did he condemn his wife Winnie, the "mother of the nation" for encouraging the murders of other blacks by 'necklacing,' in which a tire tube filled with petrol would be placed around the victims neck and set alight. More recently, the world watched on their TV screens around the world as blacks from Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Nigeria who were living in South Africa, were attacked an murdered by machete-armed members of the ANC youth wing who called their fellow Africans as "foreigners."



for all the RIP sheep/ sorry to remove the warm and fuzzy blanket of the remembrance, of a figure who only exists in the collective imagination?


Sometimes the truth is just politically incorrect.:D


btw/I wonder how long this post will last mods ?you can get a bit sick of spending time writing things out just to see them vanish mysteriously or get banned by mistake:huh:btw/ thanks for the apology:suspect:

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You may be making the mistake of assuming that people are calling Mandela a great man whilst ignoring or even denying his past?


Well for one I accept his past freedom fighting involvement & still believe he deserves respect.


In the same way I believe Michael Collins was a great man & have no problems with his involvement in violence.


The greatest suppliers of terror throughout the world are Governments. More innocent people have been killed & maimed by Government backed violence than any other.


Unless you believe that all governments have a right to kill whenever they feel it necessary, & no one has the right to resist oppression, then I don't see the problem providing the oppression is genuine & there is no peaceful alternative.


As to comparing South Africa with Rwanda, Zimbabwe & other failed African Nations don't you think you're over egging the pudding just a little?


A number of friends of mine have holidayed in South Africa & visited to watch cricket or rugby in the last few years. Don't know anyone who's holidayed in Rwanda or Zimbabwe recently.

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In the Orwellian age of celebrity....


The what? Have you confused Big Brother and Big Brother.


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 16:31 ----------


South Africa today is a nation that is riddled with corruption, mismanagement and crime.[color


And there's none of that in the USA.


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 16:41 ----------


Since 1994, 68,000 whites have been brutally tortured and murdered by blacks in South Africa.....


The only "evidence" for that figure is a couple of hysterical white supremacist websites. At least though Eugene Terreblache was one of those killed.

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The what? Have you confused Big Brother and Big Brother.


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 16:31 ----------



And there's none of that in the USA.


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 16:41 ----------



The only "evidence" for that figure is a couple of hysterical white supremacist websites. At least though Eugene Terreblache was one of those killed.


And these.




Several other human rights groups and numerous members of the European Parliament have also declared that the murder of whites in South Africa is racially motivated genocide.


White farmers living in South Africa have the highest murder rate of any people in the world, and that includes all current war zones.


Since the ANC took power, over 4,000 South African farmers and their family members have been murdered. Thousands more have been attacked. Sometime black farm workers are attacked as well.


Forced to flee their land, white owned commercial farms have plummeted from 85,000 to 11,000. One million jobs, most of those held by black farm workers, have been lost. South Africa's food security has been lost as well. This on a continent known for routinely having the most severe food shortages.


At least 68,000 white South Africans have been murdered since the ANC took power. However the actual number is probably much higher as South African record keeping has severely deteriorated under the ANC. To learn more, visit the Online South African Genocide Museum.



White Genocide in South Africa

TV Alberts

October 2013


I would kindly like to inform you about the ongoing white genocide in the Republic of South-Africa. Since 1994, the end of the so-called Apartheid, whites people, especially white farmers, have been subject to extremely brutal and racist murders.





In South Africa you are twice as likely to be murdered if you are a white farmer than if you are a police officer - and the police here have a particularly dangerous life. The killings of farmers are often particularly brutal.

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The what? Have you confused Big Brother and Big Brother.


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 16:31 ----------



And there's none of that in the USA.


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 16:41 ----------



The only "evidence" for that figure is a couple of hysterical white supremacist websites. At least though Eugene Terreblache was one of those killed.


Once again your ignorance displays itself. Of course there is corruption, mismanagement and crime in the USA as much as anywhere else but Johannesburg is one of the most dangerous places on earth for anyone with property or a bit of wealth of any kind.

That's why so many whites have left

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Once again your ignorance displays itself. Of course there is corruption, mismanagement and crime in the USA as much as anywhere else but Johannesburg is one of the most dangerous places on earth for anyone with property or a bit of wealth of any kind.

That's why so many whites have left


May be one of the most dangerous but does nothings compares to Israel...including the whites..

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A guy after your own heart without a doubt, delusional, unrealistic and naive.

He however had an excuse. He was very old when he said all that :hihi:

Why bother Harley? Erebus isn't worth the response. Nelson Mandela was very popular in Boston in his lifetime, said it was one of his favorite cities. Common people, much like himself. This is the real America, not the garbage Erebus spouts along with the usual suspects.
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May be one of the most dangerous but does nothings compares to Israel...


And you're saying that based on having spent a considerable amount of time in that country I presume? Well I haven't been to Israel and I don't know much about the country either but what I do know is that I would sooner be there than in Beirut, Damascus, Benghazi, Teheran or anywhere in Iraq or for that matter anywhere in an Arab country except perhaps for the Emirates or possibly Kuwait. There are plenty of nut jobs walking around who would be glad to take a pot shot at anyone who looks like a European


An American school teacher was gunned down in Benghazi only last week while out for a jog


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 22:31 ----------


Why bother Harley? Erebus isn't worth the response. Nelson Mandela was very popular in Boston in his lifetime, said it was one of his favorite cities. Common people, much like himself. This is the real America, not the garbage Erebus spouts along with the usual suspects.


He comes on here with his posts like Jesus Christ preaching on the mount. I suspect he pulls a lot of it from links and it's always the same dreary paranoidal stuff over and over again. I just have to get my two cents worth in.


I dont much care what Mandela's opinion of the US was. He was entitled to it like anyone else but I have my suspicions that he was connected politically to Communist Russia and the Moslem world by the very fact that as far as I know there is no record of him ever having said anything negatiove about those two entities although there is plenty on the negative side to comment on. For that reason alone he was just like the rest of us, subject to human failings and prejudices and not some godlike being which the media are making him out to be.


That said he was a man who was harshly punished by an oppressive society and survived to lead his country into a new era. For thst I respect him and the courage he showed throughout his imprisonment

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Harleyman. Mandela used the Russians, who provided weapons for the ANC. He was however, a very intelligent man, & knew exactly what would happen if they were given too much influence.


Mandela wanted South Africa to remain western in it's outlook. He therefore had more connection with the IRA with regard to supply of weapons & training. He knew their help was offered without too many conditions being attached. :)


He referred to Gerry Adams as 'comrade Gerry'. Didn't get much of a mention in Cameron's speech praising him. :D


May have given the impression he was pro Russian as he was obviously greatfull for their assistance, but he was more of a democrat than a communist.

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