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Overlooked Mandella's opinions on the USA and Israel

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Many may compare Mandela to the second coming of Jesus Christ and god only knows he's getting more coverage on the media here that if the real JC were to show up again his ratings wouldn't be anywhere near as high as Mandela's. Obama is shedding copious tears over his passing needless to say.


But Mandela was human with all the shortcomings of the human species. He made many wise pronouncements but then again he made many stupid biased ones as regards the US and Israel. I can only assume that his sympathies lay with the Muslem world and therefore not surprised that that he never made any adverse comments about the inequities and cruelties practiced towards women and girls in that society. In other words he only saw what he wanted to see


He rose to attain leadership of country that had practiced inequties for decades and retired leaving it a "rainbow coalition" and ostensibly democratic.


South Africa today is a nation that is riddled with corruption, mismanagement and crime. Let's not try to camouflage that fact under a smoke screen


---------- Post added 07-12-2013 at 23:12 ----------



I wouldn't say that. The Jews through centuries of persecution have become quite adaptable to survival. I've always believed that on the IQ level the average Jew is a few notches above the rest of us in that department



More like devious and untrustworthy comes to mind.

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And you're saying that based on having spent a considerable amount of time in that country I presume? Well I haven't been to Israel and I don't know much about the country either but what I do know is that I would sooner be there than in Beirut, Damascus, Benghazi, Teheran or anywhere in Iraq or for that matter anywhere in an Arab country except perhaps for the Emirates or possibly Kuwait. There are plenty of nut jobs walking around who would be glad to take a pot shot at anyone who looks like a European


An American school teacher was gunned down in Benghazi only last week while out for a jog



Yes once you pay a visit you will find nothing positive....its an apartheid state not a democrat one. judaism is a religion not a race!


Israel is one of the worse examples of human rights...(Jimmy Carter)


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Once again your ignorance displays itself. Of course there is corruption, mismanagement and crime in the USA as much as anywhere else but Johannesburg is one of the most dangerous places on earth for anyone with property or a bit of wealth of any kind.

That's why so many whites have left


Johannesburg's population has almost twice the SA average percentage of whites in its population.


Just saying:rolleyes:

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More like devious and untrustworthy comes to mind.


Incredible! :hihi:. That's one of the most blatantly racist & ridiculous stereotypical biased statements I've ever seen.


Seriously, you need to seek help with your issues.


At the risk of invoking Godwin's law, I have to point out that that was exactly the type of absolute crap the Nazi party spouted in the 30's.


Take a break, have a lie down.

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Yes once you pay a visit you will find nothing positive....its an apartheid state not a democrat one. judaism is a religion not a race!


Israel is one of the worse examples of human rights...(Jimmy Carter)



Jimmy Carter said :hihi: :hihi:


Do you think a western religious group like the Seventh day Adventists or the Church of Latter Day Saints would be allowed to erect a place of worship in any Arab country? The Coptic Christians in these countries are already under threat of expulsion by the new rulers who came with the Arab Spring.


If Israel is racist what's the difference between them and their neighbors?

Are Israeli women allowed to drive cars or do Israelis practice the severing of hands and hold public executions and dont forget the stonings and the forced rulings regarding female headwear in public.


Again, given a choice I'd feel better off living in a place like Israel than some strife torn sectarian violence ridden place exisiting anywhere else in the middle east


---------- Post added 09-12-2013 at 01:12 ----------


Johannesburg's population has almost twice the SA average percentage of whites in its population.


Just saying:rolleyes:



---------- Post added 09-12-2013 at 01:20 ----------


Incredible! :hihi:. That's one of the most blatantly racist & ridiculous stereotypical biased statements I've ever seen.


Seriously, you need to seek help with your issues.


At the risk of invoking Godwin's law, I have to point out that that was exactly the type of absolute crap the Nazi party spouted in the 30's.


Take a break, have a lie down.


Well the present day adherents of Hitlerism still blame the Jews for all the ills in the world.

They are the human garbage and pig swill who wear white sheets and cover their heads and go out looking for a few Jews, a few blacks and a few Catholics to beat up

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Annie Bynnol - Well done citizen, your patriotism is noted and am impressed to not that you adhere to you duty, to disrupt, distract, and disable where possible. Remember out mantra:


In the Orwellian age of celebrity, it is the duty of citizens to ignore all challenging messages, and at all cost to dilute. Use the tools to concentrate on messenger, always blame the messenger, thus the message will get lost, and people's minds will be free of all original thoughts.


We are the Just nation, and all others that do not agree or question our integrity are to regarded as bad, and deserving of vilification!


While Russia Today is getting better than it used to be, you have to remember it is pretty much written by Putin himself. It's at least as much the voice of the Russian government as the BBC is the voice of the UK government.


I'm not saying don't read it, just take it all with a big pinch of salt, they're little better than Press TV or Xinhua. All news sources are biased, some more than others & in lots of different directions, you have to consider that bias.


Quite a lot of the rest of the world share those views that it's stated Mandela had & don't see a problem. Most middle east peace talks have gone for a two or three state solution. Quite a lot of the world opposed the invasion of Iraq, that's why it didn't get UN approval. Wasn't Russia opposed to that too?


---------- Post added 09-12-2013 at 01:44 ----------


Does South Africa have The Bomb? There were persistent rumours that they had been supplied with atomic weapons by Israel during the apartheid years.


Wikipedia says no, not now, but they did during the apartheid years. They signed the NPT & dismantled their weapons at the end of apartheid.


Not sure if they needed any Israeli help.



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More like devious and untrustworthy comes to mind.


Incredible! :hihi:. That's one of the most blatantly racist & ridiculous stereotypical biased statements I've ever seen.


Seriously, you need to seek help with your issues.


At the risk of invoking Godwin's law, I have to point out that that was exactly the type of absolute crap the Nazi party spouted in the 30's.


Take a break, have a lie down.


Quite. Southcoast does indeed have issues.

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Mandela had it worked out 10 years ago.

We all had it worked out 10 years ago, everyone I ever spoke to said it was about oil and could not see why 911 invoked the bombing of Iraq.


Hey, that must mean we are all as great as Mandela then if the assumption is that only a great mind could suss all that out :hihi:

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We all had it worked out 10 years ago, everyone I ever spoke to said it was about oil and could not see why 911 invoked the bombing of Iraq.


Hey, that must mean we are all as great as Mandela then if the assumption is that only a great mind could suss all that out :hihi:


Well yes you're correct, as previously stated that was my recollection as well.


The commonly held view of the man in the pub was 'It's about the oil' & 'What the hell have the Iraqi's got to do with it when the fanatics flying the planes were Saudi's.'


Difference is that no bugger was paying any attention to us, but Mandela at least managed to confirm the point & embarrass Bush & Blair a little.


Not that it made any difference of course, hides like rhino's those guys. :)

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