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74 grand a year are they worth it

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I think that taking a pay rise at the moment has to be regarded as a cynical act on their part.


Thing is they are not getting it now are they, it is after the next election so they probably think we will have forgotten about it by then. If there is rioting and protests some of them are so thick they will wonder why.

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personally for me these mps are not worth this amount of money and all the allowances/expences that go with it. im sure someone will come along and put me right thou :hihi:


When compared to the excessive pay being paid to some public sector workers I imagine they do deserve it, for instance the leader of RMBC is paid more than the PM, £155,000, there are many more council employees paid more than MP's.

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It's IPSA that set the pay etc. for MP's. Some of the MP's are saying they don't want the increase ?? Clegg for eg. say's he will not take it.

However, backbenchers say they deserve more.

Regardless of the fact that it takes effect in 2015 it is wrong when most of the uk have not had that sort of % increase in the last 5-10 years.


Unless the economy is booming by 2015 and we are all enjoying the fruits

of success there will (and should be) a public backlash.


I wonder just how "independent" IPSA are?

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When compared to the excessive pay being paid to some public sector workers I imagine they do deserve it, for instance the leader of RMBC is paid more than the PM, £155,000, there are many more council employees paid more than MP's.


Don't get me started on how much the public sector cost the country :hihi:

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Whilst I intensely dislike the thought of defending MPs, I believe the justification is that they haven't had a pay increase in a few years (three?) and that the proposed percentage increase is therefore still an effective pay cut measured against inflation.


Urgh. Feel dirty now.

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