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74 grand a year are they worth it

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This thread is about a pay increase which has been proposed alongside a substantial reduction of claimable expenses and pension rights :rolleyes: but I guess that 'little' detail has been lost in the noise of the headline figures, as usual.

I'm not sticking for anyone and certainly not after any kind of 'favours', I'm simply informing the debate, which imbecilic posts are hindering. Including yours.


Those little details often seem to be overlooked. Some folk just seem to want to argue about self-selected sections of a report. :shakes:


Some MPs actually work hard, its not a job I'd want, as it often leaves little time for a private life especially for those with constituencies far from Parliament. So many people think they could do better than our current lot, perhaps they should stand as independents next time round, or even try to get selected as a candidate for one of the main parties. The rewards are fantastic I'm told. :cool:

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I know many CEOs, here and overseas. Many of whom are business owners/shareholders. I don't any CEO who's on a £million plus. I do know a fair few, in local and not-so-local startups, who are on minimum wage or less. I'm confident that the point transcends many 'bankers' (bank employees) as well.

The national average wage is representative of an average job with average tasks and average responsibilities.


I've explained in broad terms what an MP's job consists of.


Question for you: do you think it's an average job?


Time for some facts about MP's pay increases, based on historical data:


Jan-96 £34,085 0.00

Jul-96 £43,000 26.00 %

Apr-97 £43,860 2.00 %

Apr-98 £45,066 2.75 %

Apr-99 £47,008 4.31 %

Apr-00 £48,371 2.90 %

Apr-01 £49,822 3.00 %

Jun-01 £51,822 4.01 %

Apr-02 £55,118 6.36 %

Apr-03 £56,358 2.25 %

Apr-04 £57,485 2.00 %

Apr-05 £59,095 2.80 %

Apr-06 £59,686 1.00 %

Nov-06 £60,277 0.99 %

Apr-07 £61,181 1.50 %

Nov-07 £61,820 1.04 %

Apr-09 £64,766 4.76 %

Apr-10 £65,738 1.50 %

Apr-13 £66,396 1.00 %


Yes, pretty much. Let's just say I think many jobs are far more important than an MP's but pay far less.


And that's before we consider all the perks.


MP's are held in such low regard for a reason.

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The BBC's correspondent was on the news last asking your average dimwit in the street whether they thought MPs should set their own pay


hmm, so basically what you ae saying is that anyone who does not agree with your views is a dimwit? Thats a really well formed and adult answer:huh:


---------- Post added 13-12-2013 at 21:22 ----------


Our MPs should be very well paid, it poor timing to get an 11% pay rise, but its not that often they get pay rises. And it is an overall salary cut.

Any MP that does not get money for a second job, should accept this pay rise.


And what about all those who have also not had a pay rise for a few years? Will that also be getting an 11% pay rise?

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hmm, so basically what you ae saying is that anyone who does not agree with your views is a dimwit? Thats a really well formed and adult answer:huh:



Not what I said. But I am implying that the average dimwit in the street that they interviewed, is not as intelligent as most MPs.


Tony Blair is not a dimwit, but I did disagree with many of his views.

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