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74 grand a year are they worth it

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It's not an unreasonable amount for having every part of your life scrutinised and considering the amount of time and effort they put in.

We want the best people to do it so pay the best salary.

We have one of least corrupt political class in the world. And tbh it make precious little difference in cost to each taxpayer. There are only about 700 of them and several million net tax payers. The numbers are tiny


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 17:48 ----------


It's not an unreasonable amount for having every part of your life scrutinised and considering the amount of time and effort they put in.

We want the best people to do it so pay the best salary.

We have one of least corrupt political class in the world. And tbh it make precious little difference in cost to each taxpayer. There are only about 700 of them and several million net tax payers. The numbers are tiny

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What you say is completely true but 50% of the population are below average intelligence and such reality won't matter a jot to them.


Mention an MP is paid £67 grand or whatever they go spare. Mention a union leader gets paid twice as much and that's fine.


What is the connection here:huh: Are union leaders now paid for from our taxes?

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They know how to work it don't they, if they don't get it till after the election you can't write and tell them they are not going to get your vote. In which case if they are getting the raise give it them January 1st 2015 so we can see who is taking it, then we can mail them and tell them they are not getting our votes.

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It's not an unreasonable amount for having every part of your life scrutinised and considering the amount of time and effort they put in.

We want the best people to do it so pay the best salary.

We have one of least corrupt political class in the world. And tbh it make precious little difference in cost to each taxpayer. There are only about 700 of them and several million net tax payers. The numbers are tiny


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 17:48 ----------


It's not an unreasonable amount for having every part of your life scrutinised and considering the amount of time and effort they put in.

We want the best people to do it so pay the best salary.

We have one of least corrupt political class in the world. And tbh it make precious little difference in cost to each taxpayer. There are only about 700 of them and several million net tax payers. The numbers are tiny

you having a laugh :hihi: they have at least 12 weeks a year holiday/ they are fiddling their expences(least corrupt:roll:)
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It's IPSA that set the pay etc. for MP's. Some of the MP's are saying they don't want the increase ?? Clegg for eg. say's he will not take it.

However, backbenchers say they deserve more.

Regardless of the fact that it takes effect in 2015 it is wrong when most of the uk have not had that sort of % increase in the last 5-10 years.


Unless the economy is booming by 2015 and we are all enjoying the fruits

of success there will (and should be) a public backlash.


I wonder just how "independent" IPSA are?


I assume that the backbenchers are the ones that do sod all except pick up their fat pay check


I suspect the "independent" commission were set up by the MP's, the scope was set by the MP's and the members were chosen by the MP's


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 20:54 ----------


Whilst I intensely dislike the thought of defending MPs, I believe the justification is that they haven't had a pay increase in a few years (three?) and that the proposed percentage increase is therefore still an effective pay cut measured against inflation.


Urgh. Feel dirty now.


Hmm, and how many other workers who have not had pay increases for many years under this sham of a government also now deserve an 11 percent pay rise?


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 20:55 ----------


I don't think its unreasonable.


simple question, why?


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 20:59 ----------


It's not an unreasonable amount for having every part of your life scrutinised and considering the amount of time and effort they put in.

We want the best people to do it so pay the best salary.

We have one of least corrupt political class in the world. And tbh it make precious little difference in cost to each taxpayer. There are only about 700 of them and several million net tax payers. The numbers are tiny


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 17:48 ----------


It's not an unreasonable amount for having every part of your life scrutinised and considering the amount of time and effort they put in.

We want the best people to do it so pay the best salary.

We have one of least corrupt political class in the world. And tbh it make precious little difference in cost to each taxpayer. There are only about 700 of them and several million net tax payers. The numbers are tiny


repeating a poor excuse doesnt make it right :)

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you having a laugh :hihi: they have at least 12 weeks a year holiday/ they are fiddling their expences(least corrupt:roll:)


I imagine they work through their holidays.

Teachers get much better holidays.


Which ones are fiddling their expenses?


---------- Post added 08-12-2013 at 21:34 ----------


Plus expenses


They have expenses to do their job. Of course they do. Is it best they don't do their job ? :rolleyes:

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They have also negotiated a special exemption from tax avoidance rules, according to today's Daily Telegraph.


"MPs have been granted a special exemption from new rules designed to clamp down on tax avoidance. The Finance Bill which was published in full last week, introduced legislation on 'disguised renumeration' but also includes a specific exemption for members of the House of Commons.'

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Yea, because all an MP does is sit in the House of Commons. :roll:


They might as well for all the good they do.


They obviously don't have enough to do judging by all the petty rules they come up with, clogging up everything with red tape. But get them to do anything useful and they seem unable to move.


Everything is done from Brussels now anyway.


They should be subject to payment by results.

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