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74 grand a year are they worth it

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So they not that busy then make your mind up
I wish your thinking wouldn't be so one-dimensional/narrow: you talk about it as if they were just clocking in & out at the House of Commons and just do their shift on the benches :rolleyes:


They're plenty busy alright. I'm plenty busy myself (professional + company director), but "my busy" pales into insignificance next to "their busy": most Députés & MPs I've seen do 15+ hour days, day-in, day-out, often as not including weekends, and that goes well up at campaigning times.


Most of that will be MP work, and some of that might be e.g. directorship duties (a non-exec director does not exactly put in hours in day-in day-out).


By my measure, they're stakhanovists. Some of the hardest-driven, most self-motivated people you'll ever meet. Each one I've ever met/worked with was like that, I guess that's what it takes/it takes a certain type, to get the job. Can't really describe it in any more details, you'd have to see it for yourself.

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I wish your thinking wouldn't be so one-dimensional/narrow: you talk about it as if they were just clocking in & out at the House of Commons and just do their shift on the benches :rolleyes:


They're plenty busy alright. I'm plenty busy myself (professional + company director), but "my busy" pales into insignificance next to "their busy": most Députés & MPs I've seen do 15+ hour days, day-in, day-out, often as not including weekends, and that goes well up at campaigning times.


Most of that will be MP work, and some of that might be e.g. directorship duties (a non-exec director does not exactly put in hours in day-in day-out).


By my measure, they're stakhanovists. Some of the hardest-driven, most self-motivated people you'll ever meet. Each one I've ever met/worked with was like that, I guess that's what it takes/it takes a certain type, to get the job. Can't really describe it in any more details, you'd have to see it for yourself.

i wished. People like you wouldnt stand for the egg under the hat trick all the time
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I think if each Parasite in Westminster got paid for the hours they "worked" £65k would be a great wage. As for a raise, if they must get one then it should reflect the rest of the country's wage rise, 1% seems to be the norm.


Why not cull 75% of the Parasites in the house, make the remaining 25% work for a living and pay them a flat £100k and NO expenses of any description.



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I think if each Parasite in Westminster got paid for the hours they "worked" £65k would be a great wage. As for a raise, if they must get one then it should reflect the rest of the country's wage rise, 1% seems to be the norm.


Why not cull 75% of the Parasites in the house, make the remaining 25% work for a living and pay them a flat £100k and NO expenses of any description.



shoosh dont tell loob he thinks they worth more :hihi:
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