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Nudity in Club Advertising - opinions?


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Whats everyone's opinions on the use of (semi)nudity in the advertsing of pub and club nights? I have recently been engrossed in a rather interesting debate regarding this and I'd love to hear what other people think.


To me, aside from being rather tired and unimaginitive, I think it send mesages out about/to the patrons of that night that may not be accurate. An advert is essentially a representation of your whares, correct?


In my opinion, a (semi) naked woman on a poster/flyers says come to my pub/club we have (semi) naked ladies. This would not fill me with hope for an event if I am honest - come and be oggled (or worse) madam, erm no ta!


I am by no means a prude, and am well aware that sex sells. What I would say to pubs/clubs/promoters is think about the image you are sending out and ask yourself is that what you're about? Is your product is so weak it needs sex to sell it?

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The use of models, both male and female, would appear to objectify both sexes and produce a feeling of I must look like that or I can look that good etc. But I think that each individual will make up their own mind and most intelligent people will not think 'Oh I can see her/him at that place' they think 'Well that got my attention, what's the place actually like?'

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Unfortunately sex sells. If you were to place a semi-clad man/woman on any advert you can almost guarantee double the notice factor of an advert without. I don't believe that such advertising will lead people the think the said venue will contain such people, but it would be more eye catching.


Only an idiot would think that semi-nude advertising must mean the place being advertised would have such people in it.


Rather than being sexist and just having a woman, why not have an attractive male and female on the advert?


To claim that women would be offended at being oggled at in a pub is frankly rubbish. Women who wear next to nothing and get offended at being looked at need to get a grip on the male brain. If you flaunt it we will look. Simple as. So.....I would say go for the attractive advert but lets have something for everyone.


If you need a male model for the advert please let me know. I'm not the best looker, but I am packing a large portion (hello girls!)

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To claim that women would be offended at being oggled at in a pub is frankly rubbish. Women who wear next to nothing and get offended at being looked at need to get a grip on the male brain.


Thats bloody ridiculous! A century since we got out of the sodding corsettes and petticoats (goths withstanding) we're supposed to cover back up because men can't control themselves? When I go out I shouldn't have to feel like I must cover myself in order to feel safe; sexual harrassment should not be tolerated! if you can't control your eyes, hands (or anything else) then do us a favour and stay in!


Having said that, when the flyers show scantily clad models and plays some 'RnB' pulp about shagging some ho, I can't help but feeling I'm fighting a losing battle.


DaBouncer, if you can get me a reference for that, or a definition of sexual imagery, that would be really useful.

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When I go out I shouldn't have to feel like I must cover myself in order to feel safe; sexual harrassment should not be tolerated! if you can't control your eyes, hands (or anything else) then do us a favour and stay in!


No problem with controlling my hands, but theres a difference between looking and touching. If looking at someone makes them feel unsafe then maybe they should not go out?

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