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Help! I think I hate Christmas!

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I like it. Even if you dont like the commercialism, the tradition or religious aspects, it seems a waste of time and energy to fight it. Easier just to make it your own and have the Christmas you want in the way you want it and that means ignoring conventions if thats your thing. Nothing wrong with goodwill and peace to all people. Lovely time for kids as well.

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I love the family part of Christmas and the celebrations I just hate the way its turned into a money grabbing stuff you Jack I alright time,every parasite you owe money to crawls out of the wood work .people turn into selfish monsters and forget what Christmas is all supposed to be about.we need to get back to basics when it comes to Christmas don't fall for the hype of the TV advertisers..

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I wasn't that bothered about Christmas until I became a Dad, after that it was fun all the way (albeit expensive fun)


About ten minutes ago we put them to bed making up their own (slightly rude) words to the tune of Jingle Bells :D


X.mas is all about the kids.when I was a kid it was brilliant,then when my kids were little it was once again brilliant,now my two grandaughters can understand x.mas its brilliant again.[but always expensive:(]

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I love the family part of Christmas and the celebrations I just hate the way its turned into a money grabbing stuff you Jack I alright time,every parasite you owe money to crawls out of the wood work .people turn into selfish monsters and forget what Christmas is all supposed to be about.we need to get back to basics when it comes to Christmas don't fall for the hype of the TV advertisers..


Think a large part of that is people just arent religious any more and its been replaced by consumerism.

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I agree Megalithic. I tend to celebrate Yule more than Xmas. I am , however , off all festive season this year as I am nights off so will be spending it in my beloved Sheffield with Mum & Phil . This I do love , but hate the commercial aspect of it & as I don't believe in Jesus etc , I cant be doing with the flaming carols either . ;)

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I'm sort of sitting on the fence re Christmas. I like some aspects, like the singing of Christmas carols, the children's nativity plays, time off work, people buying me presents, and the general feeling of goodwill.


The things I don't like are writing out Christmas cards, racking my brains thinking of what to buy for other people, tacky decorations, the way some people use it as an excuse to get absolutely paryletic (sp?), overtime at work leading up to the day, and the really bad memories of 4 Christmases in the past which turned out to be a disaster.


My OH and I decided we didn't need any presents from each other this year, I never really need anything, and can just buy it myself if I do need it anyway, and he is very awkward to buy for, so we donated to the Phillipine disaster instead.

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Yeah, I think for kids, it's great, and so easy to buy stuff for them. For me, I'd really prefer not to receive any presents, and do without the fuss of buying for everyone. So long as all my family and friends are happy though; and that's the thing, would they be happy without receiving a gift? Would I be the bad guy for breaking the mould? It's tricksy!


Spending time with loved ones, and giving them your undivided attention, and doing fun stuff together; sounds like a better Christmas to me.


Donation to the Philippine disaster sounds like a good idea too. :-)

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