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Help! I think I hate Christmas!

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For me, I'd really prefer not to receive any presents, and do without the fuss of buying for everyone. So long as all my family and friends are happy though; and that's the thing, would they be happy without receiving a gift?


Simple - make something for them.


Doesn't need to be expensive, time consuming or complicated, just something you've put a little bit of your own time into making and unless your friends / family are complete capitalist slaves, I'm sure they'll be more than happy with it.

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Think a large part of that is people just arent religious any more and its been replaced by consumerism.


I think you're probably right.


Maybe we should just revert to the pagan midwinter celebration of feasting with family and friends to brighten up the long dark winter.


Personally, I think adults should give the money that would be spent on (useless) presents to charity. And kids shouldn't expect so much.




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I have no real fondness for Christmas and haven't since I was a child. If it were up to me I wouldn't celebrate it at all but we have 2 kids, one who still believes in Santa Claus so its fairly mandatory. As luck would have it, my girls will be with their Dad most of Christmas this year so I only have to deal with the decorations littering my house. Can't wait for it to be over already.

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What don't I like about Christmas? The music, By the time I've been told about Rudolph eight thousand times I've had enough. TV, Frosty the gd snowman, It's a wonderful life, A Christmas Carol. We get normal programming after 9PM, old shows not worth the trouble and warning that they may be too adult for your little ones. I don't have any little ones, my ex little ones have their own little ones who can watch whatever they want but not in my house. Apart from that I love it.

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What don't I like about Christmas? The music, By the time I've been told about Rudolph eight thousand times I've had enough. TV, Frosty the gd snowman, It's a wonderful life, A Christmas Carol.



will cheer you up. ;)
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