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Single and never married by 40 is it better to say you been to prison?

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Why is there any stigma attached to it at all? The guy could just be the type to not compromise in a relationship and do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. Or maybe he has his own reasons for staying single. After the marriage I had I know for a fact I will remain single for the foreseeable future.

People can always assume the sexual weido scenario. I think that says more about them than the person they are labelling.

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When you think about it


1) Man 40, worked in various IT Departments since leaving school and thats it




2) Man 40, been to prison many times, fathered many kids as a teen, however has now turned his life around and is remoresfull


Who is the most impressive at a Speed Dating Event?


Would either go to a speed dating event though? Person 1 would most likely use match.com.

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A lot of people just have dull boring ( to other people) lives.


These days at 30 seemingly you have to have travelled, have a cool job, have a couple of interesting hobbies, like cool music and be into interesting foods.


Wind back 30 years and it would be enough to have a job in a factory, be into ELO, sunday dinners, sunday league football and tinkering with old cars at the weekend. No girls are going to like that now.


Dam,thats where im going wrong then.:hihi:

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But if your married then the sort of woman who wants some hanky panky (with no ties) is going to be attracted to this type of man.


Going to prison is also a good selling point


Oh get off this is as silly as the tram being for the middle class thread. If you have to lie then you have some self esteem problems. Going to prison doesnt make you cool or more interesting. Its a bit of a hard sell if its as a sex offender or domestic violence.


Staying single might well be a persons choice. Better single and happy than miserable and in a couple.

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