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Single and never married by 40 is it better to say you been to prison?

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This doesn't really apply to women, but certainly to men


I guess for a man if you've never married, had kids or been in a relationship by the time you got to 40 then this is a great stigma, especially at social gatherings.


Do you think if a man is 40, never married etc...... that its better that he says he has been to prison and spent a number of years inside?


I guess a reformed man has a bit of status, bad man turned good etc..... what do you think, should a man admit to never being in a relationship, or should he cover his tracks by saying he spent 15 years inside for getting into a fight.


For good measure he could always say hes got a few (grown up) kids thats hes never seen, ones he fathered in his teens and then ran out of the women.


The bad man imagine does attract some women


Why?, would anyone want to say that .:huh:

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When you think about it


1) Man 40, worked in various IT Departments since leaving school and thats it



I am 52 and been married with child, but it was very unsuccesfull, I have a friend in his forties who did the same, without any child.

Its not common; people should learn to be comfortable with themself; I hope I have.

But I dont think that my 40 something friend has.


I do understand the bad man thing; but you cannot become something that you are not.

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