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Unlimited gas/electric energy suppliers? Are there any out there?

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My friend is interested in signing up to an unlimited energy plan for her gas and electric. She used to be with Staywarm, but that's gone now, so she's looking for a suitable replacement where she doesn't have to worry about putting the heating on.


I'm not sure there are any out there. I know there are fixed price tariffs, but as for unlimited, I'm not sure.


Could anyone help please?



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The 'unlimited' Staywarm energy plan was run by E.ON for the over sixties. It wasn't really unlimited, but the cost

was based on your previous 12 months usage and the current cost of wholesale energy. Thus if you used £1000 of energy

in the previous year then with the E.ON plan the current year would not cost you more than £1000 regardless of how much

or how little you used.


E.ON say with the new OFGEM rules the Staywarm plan was unworkable and so it will not be renewed.


As for as I'm awhere there are no similar 'StayWarm' plans available.

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Staywarm wasn't great anyway, it was quite a gamble really.

It also didn't give any gains from energy saving measures until 'the next' year.


We're on our final year with Staywarm as of course it is finishing. We understand exactly how it works, but took the decision to stay with them after the first year as we like a warm home and no surprise big bills, and we were quite happy with the cost. We'll have to shop around next year, and we possibly may even save money! However, I don't expect our usage to change much, so the plan will be to pay a slightly increased amount every month and see how it pans out.

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Pity you didn't finish last year really, as this year you will be paying for last years cold winter - and it's been a relatively mild winter so far.


You have got a point, but our usage was actually less last year than the year before, and the monthly amount went down a little. It could be worse. :|

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Dealt with a move from Staywarm for my elderly mum a few years ago. She needed a lot of help with her 'paperwork' and I had a trawl through everything. We found she was being ripped off on a few things incl home insurance, energy, savings rates etc etc. In a nutshell she was paying £108 per month for energy and could use what energy she wanted. I was told by Eon that the price was determined on the number of bedrooms in her house although I can imagine previous consumption may have been part of the figure agreed. It also included boiler servicing / repair. Did a bit of investigating and discussed it with her and we went for a fixed tariff funnily enough still with Eon - on comparison sites they were the best deal for dual energy. She now pays just £40 per month - uses all the gas and electrics she used to (we had to watch that she wasn't skimping on heat etc) - she promised us she wouldn't and she hasn't although she's very keen not to leave the tele etc on standby as it used to be. British Gas got the job of servicing the boiler etc - she's constantly in credit (she likes that and the anniversary windfall) and she's much better off every month.

Hope this helps - the key is to do some comparisons and know or have a good idea what you use to get the best deal:thumbsup:

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