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Your christmas prayer ..

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Tell you what mine is, the mindless thugs that stole from my grandbabys grave to be punished, for my mum and dad to sit with me and my girls at the Christmas table, to have the people who are cold, sick, hungry and deprived to be taken care of, and the elderly and the lonely to be looked out for


Like I said, I am sorry I should not have posted that on this forum x

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Tell you what mine is, the mindless thugs that stole from my grandbabys grave to be punished, for my mum and dad to sit with me and my girls at the Christmas table, to have the people who are cold, sick, hungry and deprived to be taken care of, and the elderly and the lonely to be looked out for


Like I said, I am sorry I should not have posted that on this forum x


I think you're perfectly entitled to post that, I don't think it breaks any forum rules. I'm sorry to hear about that incident and your loss (my friend had a similar experience once), unfortunately there will always be such people.


As for a Christmas prayer (in my case Christmas ideals and hopes) I'd like to have a happy Christmas with my wife and child, unaffected by some big events currently going on in our lives.

I'd like for people think more about others than themselves.

I'd like friends, who've not kept in contact & think it's too late now, to make contact again.

I'd like world peace and an end to poverty & suffering (obviously).


For myself, I'd like more time

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