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Is homophobia genetic?

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Some parents of gay children find it difficult to come to terms with their child being gay, probably more so in the past than now, but nevertheless it still happens .... is that homophobia ? If so is it a genetic response or a learned one ?


It's clearly a learned response.

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Some parents of gay children find it difficult to come to terms with their child being gay, probably more so in the past than now, but nevertheless it still happens .... is that homophobia ? If so is it a genetic response or a learned one ?


It's homophobic if it's irrational and extreme, according to the dictionary definition. Don't forget, there are many people who have a dislike of homosexuality but get on fine with gay people and don't let their feelings affect anything, this is hardly extreme and may not be irrational.

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That's cleared that up then Professor Halibut :D

People learn to reject their children because of their sexuality ....... Halibut says !


The abhorrence of their sexuality is far greater than the love, so letting go of your children or "rejecting" them would come easily.


If homophobia or racism is genetic then why am I neither both?

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If I use 'homophobic' (as some would call it) language, jokingly or otherwise does that mean I dislike / fear or even hate gay people .... personally I think much alleged homophobia like alleged racism is taken out of context, it may be insensitive or offensive to some, but certainly not hateful !

I'm not talking about aggressive bullying or intimidating gay people here I'm talking about loose remarks, jokes or comments, we all know the sort !


I'm sort of with you on this one Michael. People do get too caught up with tiny details in issues like this. Challenging bigotry is pretty important in my opinion and dealing with trivial use of language and off the cuff remarks really doesn't help anyone to do that. It just breeds resentment and allegations of political correctness.


I do have a problem with the idea of loose language being acceptable, as that can sometimes be used as a smokescreen for some really hateful remarks. You know the kind of thing "I was only joking" "can't you take a joke" etc etc.


As always, context is everything.

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The abhorrence of their sexuality is far greater than the love, so letting go of your children or "rejecting" them would come easily.


If homophobia or racism is genetic then why am I neither both?


I don't think many other people are either, both homophobia and racism tend to be greatly exaggerated by the media and people with an agenda .... IMHO !

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I haven't claimed to read any minds. I'll take it, then, that as usual you've run out of wriggle space and decided to just say "NO! WRONG!".


Otherwise you'd provide some kind of structured argument, instead of trying to skew the discussion even more.


I notice you didn't answer the question BTW


I have no need to wriggle, my stance hasn't changed, and because you can't read minds, you can't possibly know if every homophobic persons thinks that their opinion is superior or whether they are intolerant of other people because of their opinions.


You can keep wriggling for the next decade if you want, but it won't change the meaning of bigot.

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I have no need to wriggle, my stance hasn't changed, and because you can't read minds, you can't possibly know if every homophobic persons thinks that their opinion is superior or whether they are intolerant of other people because of their opinions.


You can keep wriggling for the next decade if you want, but it won't change the meaning of bigot.


Then why the need to change user names. If your stance is correct you would argue that stance under a single user name.


You claim you have provided evidence, do you concur with the "evidence" you have provided that homophobia/racism is genetic?

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