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Is homophobia genetic?

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I have no need to wriggle, my stance hasn't changed, and because you can't read minds, you can't possibly know if every homophobic persons thinks that their opinion is superior or whether they are intolerant of other people because of their opinions.


You can keep wriggling for the next decade if you want, but it won't change the meaning of bigot.


Would you mind answering the question please?

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Some parents of gay children find it difficult to come to terms with their child being gay, probably more so in the past than now, but nevertheless it still happens .... is that homophobia ? If so is it a genetic response or a learned one ?


If I use 'homophobic' (as some would call it) language, jokingly or otherwise does that mean I dislike / fear or even hate gay people .... personally I think much alleged homophobia like alleged racism is taken out of context, it may be insensitive or offensive to some, but certainly not hateful !

I'm not talking about aggressive bullying or intimidating gay people here I'm talking about loose remarks, jokes or comments, we all know the sort !


Being insensitive, for example using the pejorative term "gay" to describe something doesn't make someone homophobic.

Being homophobic is demonstrating bigotry though.

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Getting back to homophobia, you could argue that someone with a rational & non-extreme aversion to homosexuals/homosexuality might not be a bigot, they might not believe that their opinions on homosexuality are superior and they may be open to other peoples' opinions on the matter.


Due to the irrational & extreme nature of homophobia though, it would follow logic that a homophobe would believe their opinions on homosexuality to be right and wouldn't accept the differing opinions of others on the matter.


This would indeed make them bigots.




MrSmith/Maxmaximus/Angos, how did I not follow logic?

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Homosexuality appears in the animal kingdom about the same amount as it does in humans, but humans are the only species to practice homophobia, other animals develop genetic fears of things, yet they're not homophobic.


So yeah, it's definitely learned.

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Homophobia is resistant not passive. Passive flies in the face of control and self promotion. So. "self promotion or control" is likely to be the agenda of the homophobes/racists or bigots.


If I work for a cause that is fighting against something, then it's in my interest to go looking for things to keep me occupied, keep it in the public eye etc .... I therefore have an agenda ..... comprende :suspect:

It works both ways .... passive and resistant :roll:

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