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Is homophobia genetic?

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If I work for a cause that is fighting against something, then it's in my interest to go looking for things to keep me occupied, keep it in the public eye etc .... I therefore have an agenda ..... comprende :suspect:

It works both ways .... passive and resistant :roll:


But the homophobes "cause" is irrational. Those arguing against homophobia are not irrational. The end result of homophobia causes distress, fear, hate and in many cases violence. If fighting against that is an "agenda" then I guess you have a point.


If your phobia goes beyond a thought then invariably it will be in the public eye, so the best thing if you're a bigot is to keep your thoughts to yourself causing no distress to others. Usually though bigots tend to enjoy sharing their irrationality (narcissism) because there is so much unfounded crap for them to quote..like genetics for instance.

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But the homophobes "cause" is irrational. Those arguing against homophobia are not irrational. The end result of homophobia causes distress, fear, hate and in many cases violence. If fighting against that is an "agenda" then I guess you have a point.


If your phobia goes beyond a thought then invariably it will be in the public eye, so the best thing if you're a bigot is to keep your thoughts to yourself causing no distress to others. Usually though bigots tend to enjoy sharing their irrationality (narcissism) because there is so much unfounded crap for them to quote..like genetics for instance.


You mean homophobia is irrational, I agree .... where it actually exists, I believe though it's existence is greatly exaggerated (In the UK), as for homophobic violence, it is probably far less frequent than gay on gay violence (In the UK).

Do you know any gay racists ron ?

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You mean homophobia is irrational, I agree .... where it actually exists, I believe though it's existence is greatly exaggerated (In the UK), as for homophobic violence, it is probably far less frequent than gay on gay violence (In the UK).

Do you know any gay racists ron ?


No, but if I did I would regard their racism no differently from anyone else with racist views, or is the implication that if I do I would favour a gay racist over a non gay racist?


"Far less" is no excuse to ignore. Gay on gay violence is probably no more or no less than hetro on hetro, but fundamentally it's not about same sex sexuality.


I'm not sure what you mean by "greatly exaggerated". Who greatly exaggerates homophobia?

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No, but if I did I would regard their racism no differently from anyone else with racist views, or is the implication that if I do I would favour a gay racist over a non gay racist?


"Far less" is no excuse to ignore. Gay on gay violence is probably no more or no less than hetro on hetro, but fundamentally it's not about same sex sexuality.


I'm not sure what you mean by "greatly exaggerated". Who greatly exaggerates homophobia?


The media and those with an agenda ron, tell me how much homophobia do you actually see ron, I'm not talking about loose, insensitive comments, I'm talking about gay people being threatened, abused or persecuted.

I work in a factory ron 98% male employees, there are gay men work there, how much homophobic grief do you think they get at work for being gay ...... let me tell you ..... NONE !

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The media and those with an agenda ron, tell me how much homophobia do you actually see ron, I'm not talking about loose, insensitive comments, I'm talking about gay people being threatened, abused or persecuted.

I work in a factory ron 98% male employees, there are gay men work there, how much homophobic grief do you think they get at work for being gay ...... let me tell you ..... NONE !

Is there much racism there?
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The media and those with an agenda ron, tell me how much homophobia do you actually see ron, I'm not talking about loose, insensitive comments, I'm talking about gay people being threatened, abused or persecuted.

I work in a factory ron 98% male employees, there are gay men work there, how much homophobic grief do you think they get at work for being gay ...... let me tell you ..... NONE !


This report http://www.galop.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/The-Hate-Crime-Report-2013.pdf suggests that there were 1008 homophobic crimes committed in London alone in the year 2012/13.


That suggests to me that there are still plenty of people out there who think it's acceptable to threaten, abuse and persecute homosexuals.

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This report http://www.galop.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/The-Hate-Crime-Report-2013.pdf suggests that there were 1008 homophobic crimes committed in London alone in the year 2012/13.


That suggests to me that there are still plenty of people out there who think it's acceptable to threaten, abuse and persecute homosexuals.


Do you see any homophobia Halibut ?

Oh sorry I forgot your always on here :D


Oh and of course, not to belittle any genuine incidents of homophobia, Galop are one of those causes that are likely to promote their own agenda !

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