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Is homophobia genetic?

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The media and those with an agenda ron, tell me how much homophobia do you actually see ron, I'm not talking about loose, insensitive comments, I'm talking about gay people being threatened, abused or persecuted.

I work in a factory ron 98% male employees, there are gay men work there, how much homophobic grief do you think they get at work for being gay ...... let me tell you ..... NONE !


Generally racism, bigotry and homophobia is not something one tends to advertise face to face..leaving work and rushing home to get to the computer to spout acidic views on the internet is very evident. It's very easy to air your views behind a user name without those views being challenged on a personal basis. Most bigots I know, and I've known a few, tend to be the cowardly type who spout or advocate PC only when it suits them, which is usually when confronted with the question in open (not closed internet) debate.


IMO certain media are no different to the likes of angos, they proudly display their eagerness as I proudly display my eagerness to counter their bull.


I am not homophobic but I could if I wished try to argue that's because I'm not genetically..which is a load of croc, and those advocating that genetics do not play a part would quite rightly rip my assertion to threads.

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If homophobia or racism is genetic then why am I neither both?


Probably because you don't have the gene, or you were taught to overcome your homophobic or racist instincts.


Our DNA makes us all different, isn't it wonderful.

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I'm not talking about loose, insensitive comments, I'm talking about gay people being threatened, abused or persecuted.



I'm not saying your wife is, but let's say for arguments sake she's large. Some insensitive moron with an IQ of -10 makes a comment in passing that she's a fat cow because she eats to much. Do you think your wife would be thick enough skinned to ignore and not feel threatened, abused or persecuted? And more to the point would you as a husband let it go unchallenged? Or do you accept these harmless little insensitivities?

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Then why the need to change user names. If your stance is correct you would argue that stance under a single user name.


You claim you have provided evidence, do you concur with the "evidence" you have provided that homophobia/racism is genetic?


I haven't changed my user name, its still angos.

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Probably because you don't have the gene, or you were taught to overcome your homophobic or racist instincts.


Our DNA makes us all different, isn't it wonderful.


You mean I don't have both genes? Yes wonderful, I missed out on both. Maybe unlike you I'm unique.


---------- Post added 14-12-2013 at 17:00 ----------


I haven't changed my user name, its still angos.



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I'm not saying your wife is, but let's say for arguments sake she's large. Some insensitive moron with an IQ of -10 makes a comment in passing that she's a fat cow because she eats to much. Do you think your wife would be thick enough skinned to ignore and not feel threatened, abused or persecuted? And more to the point would you as a husband let it go unchallenged? Or do you accept these harmless little insensitivities?


That's just basically being offensive though, and that's part of the problem ..... if I want to insult or offend you, I can call you based on your outward appearance or something I know about you, but that does not mean I hate everyone who has a similar appearance.

Let's say you have a scruffy appearance and I have some childish disagreement with you, I call you a scruffy so and so ..... am I a 'scruffist' or 'scruffyphobic' ?

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Homosexuality appears in the animal kingdom about the same amount as it does in humans, but humans are the only species to practice homophobia, other animals develop genetic fears of things, yet they're not homophobic.


So yeah, it's definitely learned.


Thats an interesting idea, but how could they possible know?

Homosexuality is very easy to see in other species, as is violence to one another, but how can they know that the violence isn't related to homophobia?


---------- Post added 14-12-2013 at 17:27 ----------


You mean I don't have both genes? Yes wonderful, I missed out on both. Maybe unlike you I'm unique.


Every one is unique.

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That's just basically being offensive though, and that's part of the problem ..... if I want to insult or offend you, I can call you based on your outward appearance or something I know about you, but that does not mean I hate everyone who has a similar appearance.

Let's say you have a scruffy appearance and I have some childish disagreement with you, I call you a scruffy so and so ..... am I a 'scruffist' or 'scruffyphobic' ?


I wasn't arguing the point of the offensive moron, I was arguing from the perspective of the victim of abuse. You seem to keep attempting to trivialise an action which can at least be offensive or at most traumatic with "childishness". It could be perceived as childish if you look at it from a 3rd party perspective, or you don't suffer the same affliction that's being pointed out by the moron. To actually be the recipient is a differing matter.


Victims of homophobia are not the result of some childish disagreement with two individuals..homophobia is a learned trait handed down (not genetically) by equally learned parents generally.


The fawn when born goes to ground automatically based on fear..it's wired in genetically. Humans when born do not go to ground or more importantly **** themselves because they hear the word "bumbaclatt".

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I wasn't arguing the point of the offensive moron, I was arguing from the perspective of the victim of abuse. You seem to keep attempting to trivialise an action which can at least be offensive or at most traumatic with "childishness". It could be perceived as childish if you look at it from a 3rd party perspective, or you don't suffer the same affliction that's being pointed out by the moron. To actually be the recipient is a differing matter.


Victims of homophobia are not the result of some childish disagreement with two individuals..homophobia is a learned trait handed down (not genetically) by equally learned parents generally.


The fawn when born goes to ground automatically based on fear..it's wired in genetically. Humans when born do not go to ground or more importantly **** themselves because they hear the word "bumbaclatt".


I'm not trivialising anything, I am trying to put some perspective on the subject, but we clearly won't agree because to you it seems everything is black and white, just the same stance as the media and those with an agenda IMHO.

As for the genetic argument, I agree much of what we see regarded as homophobia is learned, and the more I read on here the more convinced I am that most people have actually learned very little of 'the real world' ..... probably because they spend too much time on their computers !

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