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Is homophobia genetic?

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Does that then claim that homophobia is a personality trait?


Not sure




The opinion that homosexuality is acceptable is an opinion, homophobes disagree with that opinion, otherwise they wouldn't be homophobes. Duh.


Disagreeing with it is different to being intolerant of it and thinking their opinion is superior.


I disagree with your opinions some of the time, but I don't think my opinion is superior to your opinion, nor am I intolerant of your opinions.

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It doesn't matter how many times you ask the same question, because there is no logic in your argument, homosexuality isn't an opinion, so being intolerant of homosexuals isn't bigoted.

I haven't claimed that it is.


This was explained to you way back in post #96, you've already tried to use this dodge and it was pointed out then.


And there is no reason to think homophobic people think their opinion is superior to the opinions of others.

It follows logic, thanks to the irrational nature of a homophobe's hatred of homosexuality, that they would not accept differing opinions on the matter, and be believe that their opinion is right. You claim that this does not follow logic but are yet to show how.


No matter how many times you try to change what I said, it's still there in black and white for anyone to see.

If you actually had a genuine answer you would have given it pages ago, rather than wriggle for several pages, obviously trying to think up different ways of skewing the situation so that you can appear to have given an answer.


The problem now, is that even if you managed to give a relevant answer, your behavior and attempts to twist things so much over the last few pages voids any token of sincerity that you may have had to begin with (which I don't believe you had)

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Did you not read my post? The implication I made is, just because you don't encounter racists/bigots down at your local doesn't mean racists and bigots don't exist. Racist, bigots, homophobes, murderers and perverts I would guess all like a drink down at the pub once in a while..their not likely to sing it from the rooftops are they? So no, I'm not making any point in your favour, as you seem to think because you're not tripping over them they are somewhat thin on the ground. I don't need the media to point me to a homophobe to inform me they exist..I know one when I read one simply by what they type.


Yes I did read your post, have you read mine ? Because nowhere have I suggested that homophobes don't exist !

I know people don't shout things from the rooftops, but I think your getting the morons you mentioned earlier, with what I would call real homophobes, mixed up.

If your so good at spotting homophobes by what they type point them out, that thing called proof will justify your claims or maybe even your poor judgement, particularly when words written on online forums are there for all to see in black and white.

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I haven't claimed that it is.


This was explained to you way back in post #96, you've already tried to use this dodge and it was pointed out then.


Then theres no issue, homophobnes dislike homosexuals because of their sexuality, not their opinions. I would go one step further homophobes might like the person, but hate their sexuality. Their aversion could be towards the act of gay affection, rather than the person.


It follows logic, thanks to the irrational nature of a homophobe's hatred of homosexuality, that they would not accept differing opinions on the matter.

In your opinion it does and in my opinion it doesn't, get over it.



You claim that this does not follow logic but are yet to show how.
There is no point in me explaining agian because you are to bigoted to accept my explanation.



No matter how many times you try to change what I said, it's still there in black and white for anyone to see.

First sensible thing you have said, everyone will make their own minds up.


If you actually had a genuine answer you would have given it pages ago, rather than wriggle for several pages, obviously trying to think up different ways of skewing the situation so that you can appear to have given an answer.

I keep giving you the same answer but you are too bigoted to except my opinion.

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Then theres no issue, homophobnes dislike homosexuals because of their sexuality, not their opinions. I would go one step further homophobes might like the person, but hate their sexuality. Their aversion could be towards the act of gay affection, rather than the person.


Would you describe somebody holding the idea of male-on-male sexual acts being acceptable as an opinion of that person?


Would you equally describe somebody holding the idea that male-on-male sexual acts are unacceptable as an opinion of that person?

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Yes I did read your post, have you read mine ? Because nowhere have I suggested that homophobes don't exist !

I know people don't shout things from the rooftops, but I think your getting the morons you mentioned earlier, with what I would call real homophobes, mixed up.

If your so good at spotting homophobes by what they type point them out, that thing called proof will justify your claims or maybe even your poor judgement, particularly when words written on online forums are there for all to see in black and white.


Why would I point you towards homophobes and their ramblings online to prove a point?..that would likely get the thread shut down..and even if I did it's evident that your stance would ignore it or paint a disingenuous picture. The reasoning behind this is because you've already skewed what I've stated, I've never suggested that you suggested homophobes doesn't exist, I've suggested that your assertion that homophobia is thin on the ground simply because you're not tripping over them down at the pub...which is clearly nonsense.

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Would you describe somebody holding the idea of male-on-male sexual acts being acceptable as an opinion of that person?


Would you equally describe somebody holding the idea that male-on-male sexual acts are unacceptable as an opinion of that person?


I think everyone is entitled to their opinions.

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