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Is homophobia genetic?

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Eh ?



I think what he's saying is..if you're homosexual and a mate slapped you on the back with the term "you old poofta" the term might be disregarded as a term of endearment or a bit of jokey banter. If the term was used on a constant basis it almost certainly wouldn't.


..I think.


---------- Post added 16-12-2013 at 19:46 ----------


Oh dear ron, and you accuse me of skewing, your the one who claimed that homophobia was mostly an online issue because I suggested it is rarely seen openly .... so who is contradicting themselves, and who is posting the nonsense ?

I'm pretty certain that if homophobes were posting anything homophobic on a forum such as this, then someone would report it, posts would be removed and posters would be banned .... get real and stop posting hype and bull !


I think you're a bit of a liar..you didn't just say "it is rarely seen openly". You suggested its rarely seen because you're not tripping over it down at your local. It was you that invented the premise..all I did was question it as did others, then you went on a rant about how superior roots is, then went further by patronising him about how he stays on the computer all night while you have a life and get out...at that stage you lost all credibility but I kept you going..purely for entertainment purposes you'll understand.

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I think what he's saying is..if you're homosexual and a mate slapped you on the back with the term "you old poofta" the term might be disregarded as a term of endearment or a bit of jokey banter. If the term was used on a constant basis it almost certainly wouldn't.


..I think.


---------- Post added 16-12-2013 at 19:46 ----------



I think you're a bit of a liar..you didn't just say "it is rarely seen openly". You suggested its rarely seen because you're not tripping over it down at your local. It was you that invented the premise..all I did was question it as did others, then you went on a rant about how superior roots is, then went further by patronising him about how he stays on the computer all night while you have a life and get out...at that stage you lost all credibility but I kept you going..purely for entertainment purposes you'll understand.


Oh I'm a liar now am I ron, can you back up that claim ?

It seems to me you just want to have the last word now, your argument has failed !

I was making a point with my 'invented premise', as you call it, I mentioned the workplace and the pubs and club as samples of places I frequent and see no homophobia, I could throw in the football too (all typical places you would expect to come across some eh ron ? were it to be that common), you claim that 'it's mostly online', and suggest it's on this forum, and that you can tell who is homophobic by what they type, but won't point any out because you don't want threads closed down .... I think your lying ron :suspect:

You have actually backed up my point with your nonsense argument on more than one occasion on this thread and it irks you doesn't it ron, ?

Never mind you will get over it, keep entertaining yourself fella, oh and have a very merry Christmas :D

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Oh I'm a liar now am I ron, can you back up that claim ?

It seems to me you just want to have the last word now, your argument has failed !

I was making a point with my 'invented premise', as you call it, I mentioned the workplace and the pubs and club as samples of places I frequent and see no homophobia, I could throw in the football too (all typical places you would expect to come across some eh ron ? were it to be that common), you claim that 'it's mostly online', and suggest it's on this forum, and that you can tell who is homophobic by what they type, but won't point any out because you don't want threads closed down .... I think your lying ron :suspect:

You have actually backed up my point with your nonsense argument on more than one occasion on this thread and it irks you doesn't it ron, ?

Never mind you will get over it, keep entertaining yourself fella, oh and have a very merry Christmas :D


Give over yourself will ya..you're not that bright or intelligent.


The point is..all you've proved (personally) is that it doesn't exist because you don't see it in the pub. What amazes me about the likes of you who babble on about it and how rare it is these days, then go on to rant a little more that not only is it rare but there's now genetic science to prove that homophobia is the result of genetics. you'll be telling us next there's a science dedicated to proving the existence of God.


As for evidence..now there's a bit of irony, your mouth is your own worst enemy. Getting you to type proves it exists. Maybe if you shut it the evidence will disappear.

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Give over yourself will ya..you're not that bright or intelligent.


The point is..all you've proved (personally) is that it doesn't exist because you don't see it in the pub. What amazes me about the likes of you who babble on about it and how rare it is these days, then go on to rant a little more that not only is it rare but there's now genetic science to prove that homophobia is the result of genetics. you'll be telling us next there's a science dedicated to proving the existence of God.


As for evidence..now there's a bit of irony, your mouth is your own worst enemy. Getting you to type proves it exists. Maybe if you shut it the evidence will disappear.


Ha ha ron your getting desperate now, bright and intelligent .... are you ?

Now we get to the nitty gritty ..... so your calling me homophobic ron, totally unfounded, very judgemental and if you don't mind me saying suggests your a bigot ron :suspect:

I don't want to take this thread down the closure path, but I think you would rather than admit your wrong ... so PM me if you like and tell me why I am homophobic and I will tell you your a narrow minded fool, you have lost your argument and shown your true colours, I retract my Merry Christmas your a hater :D


Right then, on what grounds am I a homophobe ron ?

Back up your claim or retract it, you have no argument against my point that homophobia is not that common so you want to get personal IMHO !


I apologise to the other posters of this thread, it seems me and this ron character have taken it off course a bit, with this argument between us !

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The idea that rightly or wrongly thinking that someone is a homophobe makes you a bigot should be put to bed right now.

It doesn't. Holding an opinion about an individual based on their behaviour cannot be a demonstrations of bigotry.


Oh OK then put it to bed :roll:

How about thinking someone is a homophobe because they have a different opinion of how common homophobia is :loopy:

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The idea that rightly or wrongly thinking that someone is a homophobe makes you a bigot should be put to bed right now.

It doesn't. Holding an opinion about an individual based on their behaviour cannot be a demonstrations of bigotry.


But being intolerant of them because of their opinion does.




intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself:


So you are not a bigot if you are willing to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that you do not necessarily agree with.

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Ha ha ron your getting desperate now, bright and intelligent .... are you ?

Now we get to the nitty gritty ..... so your calling me homophobic ron, totally unfounded, very judgemental and if you don't mind me saying suggests your a bigot ron :suspect:

I don't want to take this thread down the closure path, but I think you would rather than admit your wrong ... so PM me if you like and tell me why I am homophobic and I will tell you your a narrow minded fool, you have lost your argument and shown your true colours, I retract my Merry Christmas your a hater :D


Right then, on what grounds am I a homophobe ron ?

Back up your claim or retract it, you have no argument against my point that homophobia is not that common so you want to get personal IMHO !


I apologise to the other posters of this thread, it seems me and this ron character have taken it off course a bit, with this argument between us !


Where were you called homophobic?

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But being intolerant of them because of their opinion does.




So you are not a bigot if you are willing to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that you do not necessarily agree with.


"Willing to allow the existence of opinions or behaviour" ?

Don't you ever get tired of twisting things MrSmith/Maxmaximus/angos?

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Where were you called homophobic?


Give over yourself will ya..you're not that bright or intelligent.


The point is..all you've proved (personally) is that it doesn't exist because you don't see it in the pub. What amazes me about the likes of you who babble on about it and how rare it is these days, then go on to rant a little more that not only is it rare but there's now genetic science to prove that homophobia is the result of genetics. you'll be telling us next there's a science dedicated to proving the existence of God.


As for evidence..now there's a bit of irony, your mouth is your own worst enemy. Getting you to type proves it exists. Maybe if you shut it the evidence will disappear.


In rons own way the bold bit here, no doubt he will probably accuse me of misunderstanding it, he shifts the goalposts and twists things all the time, I suspected some insinuation several posts earlier :suspect:


It seems its OK to think someone is homophobic without any evidence but think anything else you have to prove it on here, apparently ron can smell homophobia as you type, he would not have learned that it's genetic, the usual nonsense :confused:

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