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Do you agree with Miss curvy?

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I see like this - people are obsessed with image. There are plenty examples of talentless celebrities who have been made famous simply because something has considered them to be good looking and possibly worse, made money for the star-makers.


Personally, I’m not shallow like that. I form opinions of people over time on how they treat other people. The might be overweight, thin, good, bad, rich or poor, black or white or whatever. It’s how they relate to other people which matters more to me.

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BMI isn't an indicator of health - its pretty meaningless in that it only measures height and weight - its not a good measure of someones healthiness.


I checked on the bbc one because I have recently lost quite a lot of weight (I am still not quite in the normal category. Even though I am very fit and no longer overweight)-it did not even ask whether I was male of female:hihi:


BMI also ignores the fact that muscle is denser than fat-which is a pretty vital part of judging whether someone is healthy. It is indeed rubbish!

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I checked on the bbc one because I have recently lost quite a lot of weight (I am still not quite in the normal category. Even though I am very fit and no longer overweight)-it did not even ask whether I was male of female:hihi:


BMI also ignores the fact that muscle is denser than fat-which is a pretty vital part of judging whether someone is healthy. It is indeed rubbish!


That's right. Everyone I know who has a rubbish BMI says the same so it must be right.

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It's more than blunt, it's fundamentally broken.


That's right. Those stupid NHS and WHO professionals. They go to university to study medicine for a few years and then they think they know more about it than the folk who know everything about every subject on Sheffield Forum.




Why anyone goes to see a doctor I'll never know. It is far better to log on here and get your medical advice from an out of work plumber.

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It's sad that nowadays it's almost more socially acceptable to be fat than slim.


How many ranges of clothes are there or indeed entire shops that only cater for fatter women, yet stores that don't stock larger sizes get it in the neck?


Promoting any unhealthy body images, whether too thin or fat, is wrong. Of course no one is going to look at fat women and wish they were fatter but it's all a slide towards obese being normal.


All we need to do is ban digital manipulation of people's bodies in advertising and start promoting REAL (that's actually real, not fat!) beauty and healthy bodies (NOT fat and NOT too thin!)

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That's right. Those stupid NHS and WHO professionals. They go to university to study medicine for a few years and then they think they know more about it than the folk who know everything about every subject on Sheffield Forum.




Why anyone goes to see a doctor I'll never know. It is far better to log on here and get your medical advice from an out of work plumber.


I've just done a few calcs for some England rugby players.. they almost all come out as obese using BMI..is that a good measure of health and fitness do you think..?

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It's sad that nowadays it's almost more socially acceptable to be fat than slim.


How many ranges of clothes are there or indeed entire shops that only cater for fatter women, yet stores that don't stock larger sizes get it in the neck?


Promoting any unhealthy body images, whether too thin or fat, is wrong. Of course no one is going to look at fat women and wish they were fatter but it's all a slide towards obese being normal.


All we need to do is ban digital manipulation of people's bodies in advertising and start promoting REAL (that's actually real, not fat!) beauty and healthy bodies (NOT fat and NOT too thin!)


What strikes me about your post is that somehow you think it is acceptable for society to dictate how people should look. As long as people are happy in their skin I really don't see an issue.


If someone is overweight and not happy with that, than they can go and change the way they live. If they don't want to, tough, nothing to do with you is it?

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BMI isn't an indicator of health - its pretty meaningless in that it only measures height and weight - its not a good measure of someones healthiness.


For men with a lot of muscle, yeah...for women, who generally don't have much muscle it's a pretty good indicator.

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