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Is Racism wired into you genetically ?

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Climate causes the genetic mutation within a grouping within the relatively short evolutionary period of 100 generations.




As I said before, my point stands. There is no need or basis from the evidence you have provided to suggest anyone was outcast in prehistory because of their skin colour.




I can find references, but only to outdated theories from evolutionary pyschologists in the 19th and early parts of the 20th century. Nothing but refutations since then.


Perhaps you have something more current you could reference?

From your link, believing isn't proof and the link you are looking for is in one of my posts further back in the topic.

Scientists believe that major changes in skin color can happen in the relatively short evolutionary period of some 100 generations. Notably, skin color can change from both dark to light and light to dark.
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From your link, believing isn't proof and the link you are looking for is in one of my posts further back in the topic.


Scientists believe things because evidence supports the conclusions. You have yet to provide any evidence to support your racism theory.


Here is some further evidence, a study showing that White skin in europeans and in asian populations evolved seperately. Not as you suggest because of prehistoric racism.



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I've shown you mine, now it's time for you to show me yours :)




I didn't need you to repost it because I read it the first time. :thumbsup:


---------- Post added 12-12-2013 at 20:39 ----------


Scientists believe things because evidence supports the conclusions. You have yet to provide any evidence to support your racism theory.


Here is some further evidence, a study showing that White skin in europeans and in asian populations evolved seperately. Not as you suggest because of prehistoric racism.




What an odd thing to say, white skin is the result of a genetic mutation and as nothing at all to do with racism.

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Oh, I was mistaken, your comments seem to suggest that I was trolling by not providing evidence ;)


So, now your turn. Provide me the evidence to show that racism is linked to genetics :)


No, the trolling bit is constantly asking for that which I have already provided. :thumbsup:

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Hey Angos


I guess we all know by now that you're tied to this genetic mutation theory. If this is true then all white people would be descended from this one 'mutant' and I've never seen anything in the science journals or news to suggest this is the case. Can you accept that our early predecessors moved North out of Africa and became lighter skinned over generations as lighter skin in Northern climes increases your chances of living to a mating age at which point you pass on yr genes. Can you accept this is a scenario? You already know that I believe this. Cheers.


---------- Post added 12-12-2013 at 20:47 ----------


Ps - I've never known Agent Orange to exhibit troll like behaviour (even though he does wear pants under his kilt).

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What an odd thing to say, white skin is the result of a genetic mutation and as nothing at all to do with racism.


It is indeed an odd thing to say.


Which is why when you said this....


No, they would have looked for a strong healthy Caucasian, it could well be that they were outcast because of their genetic mutation so had no choice but to mate with each other.


... I have been taking issue with it.

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Hey Angos


I guess we all know by now that you're tied to this genetic mutation theory. If this is true then all white people would be descended from this one 'mutant' and I've never seen anything in the science journals or news to suggest this is the case. Can you accept that the early representatives moved North out of Africa and became lighter skinned over generations as lighter skin in Northern climes increases your chances of living to a mating age at which point you pass in yr genes. Can you accept this is a scenario? You already know that I believe this. Cheers.


I human born in Africa with the white mutation wouldn't have survived, but further north it was an advantage so they did survive. All life forms get genetic mutations, most of the time these mutation are of little use or a disadvantage, occasionally though an advantageous mutation helps a species to thrive.


---------- Post added 12-12-2013 at 21:00 ----------


It is indeed an odd thing to say.


Which is why when you said this....




... I have been taking issue with it.


Why? Do you not think that early humans would outcast or even kill someone that was born different?

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