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Is Racism wired into you genetically ?

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My stance is very much as it was at the start of this thread; racism is something that is developed in a child's formative years, through various forms of conditioning, environment and experiences. The link I posted to a greater extent supported my theory. A theory that has been proven and widely acknowledged and accepted.


And my stance is one in which children through various forms of conditioning, environment and experiences are taught to overcome their natural instincts, its not widely accepted but is a theory that is supported by evidence.



With all respect, apart from your theory on evolution, I haven't seen any external evidence from a reputable source that confirms your belief about racist views being genetic. If that evidence has been overlooked then please provide a link for all to see. Not a great deal to ask :)


Thats because you want to see "Racism proven to be genetic" written down in black and white as a large headline, but even if you did, you would still dismiss it because it doesn't fit your ideals.


---------- Post added 13-12-2013 at 06:59 ----------



Has anyone heard of vitamin D????? Does anyone know why we need it? Does anyone know what happened if you do not get enough vitamin D???? Does anyone know where humanity gets vitamin D from? Is anyone interested?



If they haven't then they didn't read the link I posted.

Evidently, when humans began leaving Africa 20,000 to 50,000 years ago, a skin-whitening mutation appeared randomly in a sole individual. That mutation proved advantageous as humans moved into Europe. Why? Because it upped the amount of vitamin D the migrants had.


---------- Post added 13-12-2013 at 07:04 ----------


As no biological or genetical study has been able to conclusively prove that there is a racist gene nor has psychologists been able to demonstrate that racism is a psychiatric disorder, it can be concluded that individuals learn racist behaviors primarily from society and social structures"



William’s syndrome. The syndrome, estimated to occur once in 20,000 births, arises as a result of the same set of about 20 genes missing from one copy of Chromosome 7. It is known that children as early as age 3 share stereotypes found in adults. Children with the syndrome did not differ from others in assigning gender stereotypes, but were found to exhibit no racial bias.

“The unique hypersociable profile of individuals with William’s syndrome often leads them to consider that everybody in the world is their friend,”

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Racists ?

Who ? What ? Where ? Why ?

Let's just point the finger !

He's a racist, she's a racist, this is racist, that is racist !

If you have any sense ...... you won't believe the hype !


Do you think the apartheid regime in SA was racist?

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And my stance is one in which children through various forms of conditioning, environment and experiences are taught to overcome their natural instincts, its not widely accepted but is a theory that is supported by evidence.





Thats because you want to see "Racism proven to be genetic" written down in black and white as a large headline, but even if you did, you would still dismiss it because it doesn't fit your ideals.


---------- Post added 13-12-2013 at 06:59 ----------



If they haven't then they didn't read the link I posted.


---------- Post added 13-12-2013 at 07:04 ----------



William’s syndrome. The syndrome, estimated to occur once in 20,000 births, arises as a result of the same set of about 20 genes missing from one copy of Chromosome 7. It is known that children as early as age 3 share stereotypes found in adults. Children with the syndrome did not differ from others in assigning gender stereotypes, but were found to exhibit no racial bias.

“The unique hypersociable profile of individuals with William’s syndrome often leads them to consider that everybody in the world is their friend,”


So where is this evidence? You have so far failed to provide anything that supports your argument.

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That is pretty much what people mean by evidence.


Is that wrong?

Evidence the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid:


So evidence can support someones belief or idea without being enough to prove that the idea is correct.


---------- Post added 13-12-2013 at 08:33 ----------


So, are you going to provide a link to prove your theory?


Keep fishing and ignoring the fact that I already have, if you want, but its a rather pointless exercise, because I'm not going to bite, its just a game some of you like to play, asking people to constantly repeat what they have already posted. Quite sad really.

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Evidence the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid:


So evidence can support someones belief or idea without being enough to prove that the idea is correct.


---------- Post added 13-12-2013 at 08:33 ----------



Keep fishing and ignoring the fact that I already have, if you want, but its a rather pointless exercise, because I'm not going to bite, its just a game some of you like to play, asking people to constantly repeat what they have already posted. Quite sad really.


If you already have then you won't mind posting a link to it. I'm not the only person who has asked you for this information.


I trust you'll do the right thing and respond with the relevant link or information so we can move on with this debate.

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If you already have then you won't mind posting a link to it. I'm not the only person who has asked you for this information.


I trust you'll do the right thing and respond with the relevant link or information so we can move on with this debate.


As I said, there are a few members of SF that like to play this very sad game, you should all play it with each other.

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