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Is Racism wired into you genetically ?

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No I'm not, and I have already said that I am not, you just want to think that that is what I'm saying, because it gives you something to argue about. Similar doesn't mean the same/identical, generically diverse people can be genetically similar.


---------- Post added 12-12-2013 at 10:05 ----------



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---------- Post added 12-12-2013 at 10:08 ----------



Because early humans split into small groups as a means of protection, cooperation within the group and being suspicious of people from outside the group helped them survive.

Never mind early humans, people are still at it. Sheffield Forum seems hell bent on a fight with Leeds, despite the fact they are similar with each other in scope. Leeds doesn't care as its SF that's making a fool of itself. But seriously, People descend into cliques,,based on work, religion, and let,s face it race. There is as lot more interaction between races today, strangely enough in the American South as well. If Mandela had anything to do with that, and I'm not certain he did, he will not have died in vain. My oldest grandson married a nice black girl last year. I can almost hear his Sheffield born great grandmother rotating in her grave, although she was cremated and scattered.
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I'm sure suffragette would have had some interesting observations AO :hihi:


Slap on the wrist maybe?


Never! Like everything else we individuals can control, that is definitely learned behaviour. Usually from our mothers and not always evident prior to marriage. :love:


Soon as that signature is on the dotted line, it's like a release :D

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Never mind early humans, people are still at it. Sheffield Forum seems hell bent on a fight with Leeds, despite the fact they are similar with each other in scope. Leeds doesn't care as its SF that's making a fool of itself. But seriously, People descend into cliques,,,based on work, religion, and let,s face it race. There is as lot more interaction between races today, strangely enough in the American South as well. If Mandela had anything to do with that, and I'm not certain he did, he will not have died in vain. My oldest grandson married a nice black girl last year. I can almost hear his Sheffield born great grandmother rotating in her grave, although she was cremated and scattered.
Never a truer word spoken, that's more to do with mentality though, rather then race and ethnicity.
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