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Is Racism wired into you genetically ?

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Any explanation behind that?


1. Its a natural extinct.

2. Your early years can change this.

3. If someone experiences negative aspects of another race, this can change someone from a none racist to a racist. For example if someone sufferers racism it may turn them into a racist towards the race in question.

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1. Its a natural extinct.

2. Your early years can change this.

3. If someone experiences negative aspects of another race, this can change someone from a none racist to a racist. For example if someone sufferers racism it may turn them into a racist towards the race in question.

I'll take that as a 'no' then.

(also, I think you meant to say 'instinct' not 'extinct')

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  • 4 months later...

It is a natural instinct and effects peoples of all tribes, colours and other differences.

The Jews have always referred to it as 'The dislike of the unlike'.

This doesn't mean we have to accept it in todays society when we are all living in a multi race, multi cultured environment.


Happy Days! PopT

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It is a natural instinct and effects peoples of all tribes, colours and other differences.

The Jews have always referred to it as 'The dislike of the unlike'.

This doesn't mean we have to accept it in todays society when we are all living in a multi race, multi cultured environment.


Happy Days! PopT


Can you explain your reasoning behind the claim that it's a natural instinct?

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Can you explain your reasoning behind the claim that it's a natural instinct?

as i see it, it comes back to early humans, and being scared of things / people that were different from you


ie:- somebody from a different tribe comes near, are the friend or foe? its a defence mechanism

BUT as pop says it is generally not needed in this more civilised time but some people just cant let go of it, are they wired up differently? i dunno

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as i see it, it comes back to early humans, and being scared of things / people that were different from you


ie:- somebody from a different tribe comes near, are the friend or foe? its a defence mechanism

BUT as pop says it is generally not needed in this more civilised time but some people just cant let go of it, are they wired up differently? i dunno


So it isn't natural then? It's learned/taught?


If your father hates Pakistani's and for some reason he was killed when you were just born, it's highly likely you'll grow to hate Jews if your mothers or her new partner hates Jews.


I believe we are born genetically with fear. The rest is man made emanating from that fear...just a case of how well or not it's nurtured.

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So it isn't natural then? It's learned/taught?


If your father hates Pakistani's and for some reason he was killed when you were just born, it's highly likely you'll grow to hate Jews if your mothers or her new partner hates Jews.


I believe we are born genetically with fear. The rest is man made emanating from that fear...just a case of how well or not it's nurtured.

huh? no i meant its a natural urge built into human kind in the begining to be wary of possible threats, i never mentioned anybody learning it

i know what youre saying, certain hate against certain people is learnt, but theres an underlying natural waryness built in, where do you think the first person to learn it off got it?? lol


as i said, its defence, somebody from a different tribe comes along you dont know if theyre friend or foe, but you can tell theyre different from you, you stay wary of them

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huh? no i meant its a natural urge built into human kind in the begining to be wary of possible threats, i never mentioned anybody learning it


I'm simply saying that fear is a genetic component when you're born. You are not genetically born with an adverse dislike or hate of a race, creed or colour. Racism isn't hard wired genetically.


i know what youre saying, certain hate against certain people is learnt, but theres an underlying natural waryness built in, where do you think the first person to learn it off got it?? lol


As I said they didn't learn fear, fear was already there in the DNA. Fear can certainly be used and manipulated to one's advantage...that's where hate manifests itself..a man made construct, not a genetic one. Fear does not equal hate. If I was to fear thieves and liars which I hate I'd end up being paranoid simply because there are many of them out there. Reasoning is the prime discipline which fear is kept in check, ignorance on the other hand rewards you with <fill in with your own construct>.


as i said, its defence, somebody from a different tribe comes along you dont know if theyre friend or foe, but you can tell theyre different from you, you stay wary of them


You walk around all day long without blinking an eye.. you wouldn't suggest that you're on alert at all times? I'd guess you're not. You are alert if you're part of a pack which indicates a threat even though you don't understand initially what the threat is. Same with dad whose a raving racist who says without explanation..that guys a different colour...gas him.

My next door neighbour Mr Das is very different from me to look at..he's Asian, should I be wary of him? many on here would say yes simply because of his race. I guess subconsciously we are all on alert as to danger, danger doesn't equal foreigner though, unless that specific foreigner if frothing at the gills coming at you with a bloodstained machete in his hands.

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