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Is Racism wired into you genetically ?

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my 3 yr old son goes to a childminder. Among 10 or so kids they have a 6 yr old white girl (a) 2 yr old black boy (b) and 2 yr old white girl ©


we were looking at a clothing catalogue and he saw a 2 yr old white boy. "thats (b)" saw a 6 yr old black girl "thats (a)" . he genuinely didnt see the colour of the kids skin, only the age and gender of the kids in the catalogue

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my 3 yr old son goes to a childminder. Among 10 or so kids they have a 6 yr old white girl (a) 2 yr old black boy (b) and 2 yr old white girl ©


we were looking at a clothing catalogue and he saw a 2 yr old white boy. "thats (b)" saw a 6 yr old black girl "thats (a)" . he genuinely didnt see the colour of the kids skin, only the age and gender of the kids in the catalogue


According to MrSmith/Maxmaximus/Angos/Ivanava's logic, though, he will have had an inbuilt fear of all three.

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Things that were dangerous to humans have left some humans predisposed to be fearfully of them, they are now called phobias. Fear of spiders, snakes, heights ect.



Scientists already know that fears and phobias are shaped in part by genes. Identical twins, for example, are more likely to develop phobias for the same objects, such as snakes or rats, than non-identical twins. But less is known about when the genes involved act and what effect they have


Non of that has any relevance to racism as being genetically predisposed. All it shows is that genetics play a part in instinct. That link only proves that children at age of 5 months (which is a considerable time in a child's LEARNED development) when shown a blocked picture of a spider gets more attention than that of a flower..the child shows no fear of spiders in the same way of flowers..what it goes on to say is the fear develops into a phobia at a later stage...which isn't surprising when mum comes out of the bathroom screeching spider! as part of it's learning curve.


If an infant falls during its development then its sensors equates to falling, falling equates to height and possibly pain, hence a fear of pain. It would be interesting to see the results of 100 new born totally undeveloped infants held over a sheer drop of 100ft or shown 100 women dressed in a burqa. Mind you 100 women dressed in burqas are enough to frighten the crap out rational thinking adults..apparently.


---------- Post added 25-04-2014 at 23:03 ----------


That would be according to experts in child development and the development of human emotions.


We're not debating child development, we're debating pre-development.

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Here's a quote for you, not that it will make any difference to your opinion, you are simply too pigheaded to admit when you don't understand something.


Fear is a built-in survival mechanism with which we are all equipped. Fear is a normal human emotional reaction. Even as babies, we possess the survival instincts necessary to respond when we sense danger.


what absolute cobblers.


Babies have no fear, and no real survival instinct bar the natural reactions the body provides; shivers, sweats, cries and vomit etc

Babies cannot sense any dangers, and have no skills whatsoever to respond to them.


If your talking about baby deer or zebras then yeah ok they come equipped with some natural skills to evade danger. Human babies have no sense of danger at all. Why do you think they require massive amounts of constant attention to simply keep them alive?


fear is a normal learned human emotion as a consequence of information and experience.

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what absolute cobblers.


Babies have no fear, and no real survival instinct bar the natural reactions the body provides; shivers, sweats, cries and vomit etc

Babies cannot sense any dangers, and have no skills whatsoever to respond to them.


If your talking about baby deer or zebras then yeah ok they come equipped with some natural skills to evade danger. Human babies have no sense of danger at all. Why do you think they require massive amounts of constant attention to simply keep them alive?


fear is a normal learned human emotion as a consequence of information and experience.



I think animals like humans have natural instincts..they just manifest themselves in differing ways depending on environment/species. A Zebra when born doesn't go to ground because of fear..it has no experience of fear, so why should it. It goes to ground because of instinct (genetic) no thought process, no reasoning, it does it simply because it does, through its genetic trigger, it has no choice, if it had choice it would have experienced development.

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Non of that has any relevance to racism as being genetically predisposed.


I didn't expect you to understand it, but your lack of understanding doesn't change the facts.


---------- Post added 26-04-2014 at 06:59 ----------


what absolute cobblers.


Babies have no fear, and no real survival instinct bar the natural reactions the body provides; shivers, sweats, cries and vomit etc

Babies cannot sense any dangers, and have no skills whatsoever to respond to them.


If your talking about baby deer or zebras then yeah ok they come equipped with some natural skills to evade danger. Human babies have no sense of danger at all. Why do you think they require massive amounts of constant attention to simply keep them alive?


fear is a normal learned human emotion as a consequence of information and experience.


You are entitled to your opinion but the experts tend to disagree with you, as do I.


---------- Post added 26-04-2014 at 07:01 ----------


I think animals like humans have natural instincts..they just manifest themselves in differing ways depending on environment/species. A Zebra when born doesn't go to ground because of fear..it has no experience of fear, so why should it. It goes to ground because of instinct (genetic) no thought process, no reasoning, it does it simply because it does, through its genetic trigger, it has no choice, if it had choice it would have experienced development.


Now you are starting to get it, but I know you won't be able to form a link between that behavior and human behavior.

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I didn't expect you to understand it, but your lack of understanding doesn't change the facts.


I never said I didn't understand it. I said there was NOTHING in that link which gave any suggestion as to genetic racism. I asked you a specific question


Could you clarify by elaborating on the "danger" aspect as to how that works in relation to racism genetically?


Are you now saying there is irrefutable evidence somewhere within that link?


Now you are starting to get it, but I know you won't be able to form a link between that behavior and human behavior.


Explain this, it makes no sense. In fact, someone else please explain it if they can as I've already anticipated the stock reply.

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There is nothing I can about it, if you can't understand the evidence there is nothing I can do to help you. Lots of people don't understand lots of things, the difference between most people and you is they don't get all abusive when they fail to comprehend something, all you can do is accept that it is beyond your compensation.


Here's a quote for you, not that it will make any difference to your opinion, you are simply too pigheaded to admit when you don't understand something.


"Lots of people don't understand lots of things."


That's what you said above.


You also said, "The difference between most people and you is they don't get all abusive when they fail to comprehend something."


Then you said, You are simply too pigheaded to admit when you don't understand something."


The question I put to you is this...do you understand hypocrisy?

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