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Is Racism wired into you genetically ?

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"Even as babies, we possess the survival instincts necessary to respond when we sense danger"


Please enlighten me, what survival instincts do babies possess that allow them to respond to danger? what dangers? what fears do they have?


I'm really curious, as one of the very few instincts I can detect is the falling one where a baby will spread is arms if tilted backwards.


They can alert their parents who may not be watching them at the time.


---------- Post added 30-04-2014 at 19:12 ----------


None of the links you've provided, though, suggest that fear of strangers is built-in.


Yes they did.

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I think it's taught in to some people yeah. Isn't it the same with large folk? people have this idea their all fat and lazy. That was taught in to them. The big fat bully on kids TV, etc.


It's the same with images in magazines. Young girls starving and believing in this image that isn't sustainable.

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I think it's taught in to some people yeah. Isn't it the same with large folk? people have this idea their all fat and lazy. That was taught in to them. The big fat bully on kids TV, etc.


It's the same with images in magazines. Young girls starving and believing in this image that isn't sustainable.


None of that made any sense whatsoever.

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I am sorry but I simply don't believe you, I think you are one of the members that has spent the past few days berating my every post and you are now using one of your old accounts to make out that I am in the wrong. Its incredibly unlikely that for 12 months you have just been reading without posting, and even more unlikely that after a 12 month absence you would come into this topic to berate my post.


They have cliques on this forum. They meet up for drinks, etc lol. They also spend countless hours reading threads on racism and ignore anything else.


So sad.


---------- Post added 01-05-2014 at 09:54 ----------


None of that made any sense whatsoever.


That's your problem.

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That's your problem.


Not really, It's most readers problem in relation to racism being genetically hard wired when trying to decipher what you're on about.



I think it's taught in to some people yeah.


And for those racists that it's not taught into it's genetic?



Isn't it the same with large folk? people have this idea their all fat and lazy. That was taught in to them. The big fat bully on kids TV, etc.


How do you know this? People who dislike fat people may be genetically pre disposed to dislike fat people, or are you saying it's all taught including racism?


It's the same with images in magazines. Young girls starving and believing in this image that isn't sustainable.


This has what to do with the OP, that the perception of anorexia is genetically hard wired?


They have cliques on this forum. They meet up for drinks, etc lol.


Why are you lol' ?


They also spend countless hours reading threads on racism and ignore anything else.


You obviously spend lots of time going through the post history of posters and their contributions..


So sad.


Spending time going through the post history of others to arrive at your conclusion? Well yeah! :roll:

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Not really, It's most readers problem in relation to racism being genetically hard wired when trying to decipher what you're on about.





And for those racists that it's not taught into it's genetic?





How do you know this? People who dislike fat people may be genetically pre disposed to dislike fat people, or are you saying it's all taught including racism?




This has what to do with the OP, that the perception of anorexia is genetically hard wired?




Why are you lol' ?




You obviously spend lots of time going through the post history of posters and their contributions..




Spending time going through the post history of others to arrive at your conclusion? Well yeah! :roll:


I thought you struggled to read it? make up your mind silly boy.

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  • 2 months later...
Racism is taught. if you were to put a dozen small kids of all different races on a remote island without any adults present (and assuming that they could be able to care for and feed themselves) you would come back years later and find thathttp://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/images/editor/separator.gif they've formed a community where racism doesnt exist in any form




did you ever read lord of the flies?:)

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So the IGNORAMI like to talk about things that they know next to nothing about. What the ignorant really mean is racism natural, normal, which is why they like the word genetic.


So the mites cannot help it can they!


Well thick ones genetically we are all related, take two chimpanzees out of any group, test then genetically to see how they are related, and then take 100 people randomly from anywhere in the world outside of a few tribes in South Aftica, and YOU WILL find all humans are gennetically closer that the two chimpanzees.


We all came from a very small group of people that left Africa and populated the world around 50 thousand years ago, and in the intervening period the environment the expanding groups moved into changed us into what we are now. So one should ask the question in a family do people hate each oterh, adn the answer is for some YES, and these twisted people, in our poorly educated country, look at people who are different to them, but realted and they cannot stand the sight of them. They project their own inner insecurities onto others as they are psychologically damaged, but do not realise it.


Thus judjing by the usual comments on this site ther are a lot of damaged individuals in Sheffield, and I personally glad I do not know them.

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So the IGNORAMI like to talk about things that they know next to nothing about. What the ignorant really mean is racism natural, normal, which is why they like the word genetic.


So the mites cannot help it can they!


Well thick ones genetically we are all related, take two chimpanzees out of any group, test then genetically to see how they are related, and then take 100 people randomly from anywhere in the world outside of a few tribes in South Aftica, and YOU WILL find all humans are gennetically closer that the two chimpanzees.


We all came from a very small group of people that left Africa and populated the world around 50 thousand years ago, and in the intervening period the environment the expanding groups moved into changed us into what we are now. So one should ask the question in a family do people hate each oterh, adn the answer is for some YES, and these twisted people, in our poorly educated country, look at people who are different to them, but realted and they cannot stand the sight of them. They project their own inner insecurities onto others as they are psychologically damaged, but do not realise it.


Thus judjing by the usual comments on this site ther are a lot of damaged individuals in Sheffield, and I personally glad I do not know them.




No we didn't be carry on please, its funny

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