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Is Racism wired into you genetically ?

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So, If racism is wired into us genetically and we act on that blueprint then racism is a natural construct? That being the case why is it we outlaw that which is natural?



Is paedophilia hard wired into us genetically? If so why have we outlawed that too?


I know I'm going to get hounded for this, but, yes it is, just like every other sexual orientation is hard wired into us genetically.


---------- Post added 11-12-2013 at 18:23 ----------


Thanks for the response and the link Angos. It's v v interesting. I struggle with the thought that one mutation occurred though, and that person ended up being the predecessor of all white people as 'Lucy' is iften seen as the mother of humankind. The mutation did occur, I see now, as you rightly said in the first place but I still believe that skin colour changed gradually in the population over generations and as lighter skin proved to be more beenficial in Northern climes. The genetic mutation is not necessarily the cause of white skinned people today.


If 1000 white people moved to a very sun-exposed environment (and had no access to sun cream) and were isolated natural selection tells us that over generations they would become darker and darker as they adapted to their new environment. Anyway, I'm still disagreeing with you as you can see re the reasons for white skin developing over time but have really enjoyed yr contributions.


No probs, I agree that its is hard to imagine that one genetic mutation caused the white race.


Look up white tiger, they've been doing genetic research on them and the same genetic mutation causes them to be white.

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Firstly everyone who lives outside of Sub Saharan Africa, and now many who over the last 40,00 or so years returned, are all related genetically. Those left behind are genetically are more diverse genetically than the rest of humanity. So most of the global population, descend from a small group of humans on the verge of extinction that left Africa and populated the world. Over time due to environmental pressures/conditions different groups changed outwardly in order to successfully survive in their chosen environment. That is the prevailing theory of difference between us. So we are just an extended family, Arabs, Jews, Europeans, Asians, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Amazonian Indians, and let us not forget the oriental Asians too. But creating difference is now necessary, as conflict helps economic growth, from the fashion conscious, to racial and religious conflicts. So hate is profitable, and economically desirable.


Back to genetics, the premise that we are all racist, homophobic or religious to varying degrees, it means humanity is all racist, and this trait would show itself from infancy. But young children are taught to fear from parents, who have developed views, learned opinions.


But let us put mere genetic fact aside, and work out how antisocial traits are developed in all humans, from inter tribal, to tribal, religions, nations, all having some underlining fear of the unfamiliar. Popular fears on Sheffield forums are, benefit cheats, immigrants, single mothers not working and such. This is learned, as is fear of snakes and other things, are taught to children from birth. They imitate and copy, so as to fit in, be accepted, and not rejected, by family, friends, school mates and so on.


In some tribal groups rejection kills. For instance the fittest, strongest, fastest, best hunter/tracker, such an outstanding individual, when rejected by the community, dies within a few days. No poison, or tool were used, they die with not visible medical, or criminal cause. Thus social bonds draw people together, and like football supporters, its war when rivals meet. So what is hate, other than a focus and realisation of particular feelings.


So sensation seekers, make sure you notice people who seem different, deformed, racial, whatever, and start for a second to consider how you react is you imagine them sleeping with your partner, and maybe notice how your feelings can erupt, with such a focus. Why because YOU are being cast out, a deep human fear, as we are possibly the most social of animals. Such personalised sensation for some is a death call. For others its a call to kill, the enemy. Rejection amongst males from their partners causes just over two murders a week, such is the power of rejection, some hit the TV news even.


So banding together jeering at a team, gay people, coloured, cultural, religious or racial differences also binds some together under a shared tribal set of values, as to belong is powerful,. To be alone, is not. So last year, over 33,000 died in the 13 day cold snap just a few days of being alone, worthless, rejected, unloved, their will to survive extinguished, Such is fate of those that live in our selfish, self centred society, who are the outcasts, living alone, cared for in the community. Welcome to the future for most people, in a land that forgot its humanity, and embraced the lessons of doubts and fears.

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Firstly everyone who lives outside of Sub Saharan Africa, and now many who over the last 40,00 or so years returned, are all related genetically. Those left behind are genetically are more diverse genetically than the rest of humanity. So most of the global population, descend from a small group of humans on the verge of extinction that left Africa and populated the world. Over time due to environmental pressures/conditions different groups changed outwardly in order to successfully survive in their chosen environment. That is the prevailing theory of difference between us. So we are just an extended family, Arabs, Jews, Europeans, Asians, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Amazonian Indians, and let us not forget the oriental Asians too. But creating difference is now necessary, as conflict helps economic growth, from the fashion conscious, to racial and religious conflicts. So hate is profitable, and economically desirable.


Back to genetics, the premise that we are all racist, homophobic or religious to varying degrees, it means humanity is all racist, and this trait would show itself from infancy. But young children are taught to fear from parents, who have developed views, learned opinions.


But let us put mere genetic fact aside, and work out how antisocial traits are developed in all humans, from inter tribal, to tribal, religions, nations, all having some underlining fear of the unfamiliar. Popular fears on Sheffield forums are, benefit cheats, immigrants, single mothers not working and such. This is learned, as is fear of snakes and other things, are taught to children from birth. They imitate and copy, so as to fit in, be accepted, and not rejected, by family, friends, school mates and so on.


In some tribal groups rejection kills. For instance the fittest, strongest, fastest, best hunter/tracker, such an outstanding individual, when rejected by the community, dies within a few days. No poison, or tool were used, they die with not visible medical, or criminal cause. Thus social bonds draw people together, and like football supporters, its war when rivals meet. So what is hate, other than a focus and realisation of particular feelings.


So sensation seekers, make sure you notice people who seem different, deformed, racial, whatever, and start for a second to consider how you react is you imagine them sleeping with your partner, and maybe notice how your feelings can erupt, with such a focus. Why because YOU are being cast out, a deep human fear, as we are possibly the most social of animals. Such personalised sensation for some is a death call. For others its a call to kill, the enemy. Rejection amongst males from their partners causes just over two murders a week, such is the power of rejection, some hit the TV news even.


So banding together jeering at a team, gay people, coloured, cultural, religious or racial differences also binds some together under a shared tribal set of values, as to belong is powerful,. To be alone, is not. So last year, over 33,000 died in the 13 day cold snap just a few days of being alone, worthless, rejected, unloved, their will to survive extinguished, Such is fate of those that live in our selfish, self centred society, who are the outcasts, living alone, cared for in the community. Welcome to the future for most people, in a land that forgot its humanity, and embraced the lessons of doubts and fears.


Good post.

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Is it? Well that's news to me!


To some it seems yes, I'm not saying that I think the the term 'coloured' is racist personally, in fact I don't, however some people have chosen to make it an offensive term based on their politically correct concerns about racist terminology .... go google it and tell me I'm wrong ... same goes for Halibut II aka Cyclone :D


I understand the simplicity in accepting that everything is learned or taught, many have decided simply to dismiss any genetic theory because that is way too scientific for those who see everything in black and white though eh.

I do wonder why we bother discussing anything on here when the likes of Halibut choose to think that the racist amongst us are on this thread ..... how very narrow minded and stupid he is to cast such aspersions IMHO !

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So, If racism is wired into us genetically and we act on that blueprint then racism is a natural construct? That being the case why is it we outlaw that which is natural?



Is paedophilia hard wired into us genetically? If so why have we outlawed that too?

Because we now have more interaction with each other it is more prevalent, so we adjust our behavioural instincts accordingly.


How could we have a global community without overcoming our instinctive nature to be dubious of one and other ?


The topic I raise is about an instinct that pre dates our ability to communicate verbally and via other media, so maybe although the wiring is still within us, we are capable of understanding it and ignoring/outlawing it to man's greater good ?

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Because we now have more interaction with each other it is more prevalent, so we adjust our behavioural instincts accordingly.


How could we have a global community without overcoming our instinctive nature to be dubious of one and other ?


The topic I raise is about an instinct that pre dates our ability to communicate verbally and via other media, so maybe although the wiring is still within us, we are capable of understanding it and ignoring/outlawing it to man's greater good ?


You be careful now, the 'genetically hard wired' posters on here will blow a fuse if you outsmart them :D

They require PROOF so please insert links to the DM and The Guardian etc, then studies, polls and theories presented by our wonderful university bred academics and politicians of course !

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You be careful now, the 'genetically hard wired' posters on here will blow a fuse if you outsmart them :D

They require PROOF so please insert links to the DM and The Guardian etc, then studies, polls and theories presented by our wonderful university bred academics and politicians of course !


I am not an academic or proclaim to know it all like some/most journalist, I'm just putting an argument across which I have thought about and wrangled about in my own head and if it has any bearing on what others think in either direction then I look forward to reading others points of view on it to help me further understand what may or may not be a what we are about.

I doubt this topic would ever get proven in scientific terms because this sort of genetic debate would have died out in 1949 :)


---------- Post added 12-12-2013 at 00:49 ----------


Firstly everyone who lives outside of Sub Saharan Africa, and now many who over the last 40,00 or so years returned, are all related genetically. Those left behind are genetically are more diverse genetically than the rest of humanity. So most of the global population, descend from a small group of humans on the verge of extinction that left Africa and populated the world. Over time due to environmental pressures/conditions different groups changed outwardly in order to successfully survive in their chosen environment. That is the prevailing theory of difference between us. So we are just an extended family, Arabs, Jews, Europeans, Asians, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Amazonian Indians, and let us not forget the oriental Asians too. But creating difference is now necessary, as conflict helps economic growth, from the fashion conscious, to racial and religious conflicts. So hate is profitable, and economically desirable.


Back to genetics, the premise that we are all racist, homophobic or religious to varying degrees, it means humanity is all racist, and this trait would show itself from infancy. But young children are taught to fear from parents, who have developed views, learned opinions.


But let us put mere genetic fact aside, and work out how antisocial traits are developed in all humans, from inter tribal, to tribal, religions, nations, all having some underlining fear of the unfamiliar. Popular fears on Sheffield forums are, benefit cheats, immigrants, single mothers not working and such. This is learned, as is fear of snakes and other things, are taught to children from birth. They imitate and copy, so as to fit in, be accepted, and not rejected, by family, friends, school mates and so on.


In some tribal groups rejection kills. For instance the fittest, strongest, fastest, best hunter/tracker, such an outstanding individual, when rejected by the community, dies within a few days. No poison, or tool were used, they die with not visible medical, or criminal cause. Thus social bonds draw people together, and like football supporters, its war when rivals meet. So what is hate, other than a focus and realisation of particular feelings.


So sensation seekers, make sure you notice people who seem different, deformed, racial, whatever, and start for a second to consider how you react is you imagine them sleeping with your partner, and maybe notice how your feelings can erupt, with such a focus. Why because YOU are being cast out, a deep human fear, as we are possibly the most social of animals. Such personalised sensation for some is a death call. For others its a call to kill, the enemy. Rejection amongst males from their partners causes just over two murders a week, such is the power of rejection, some hit the TV news even.


So banding together jeering at a team, gay people, coloured, cultural, religious or racial differences also binds some together under a shared tribal set of values, as to belong is powerful,. To be alone, is not. So last year, over 33,000 died in the 13 day cold snap just a few days of being alone, worthless, rejected, unloved, their will to survive extinguished, Such is fate of those that live in our selfish, self centred society, who are the outcasts, living alone, cared for in the community. Welcome to the future for most people, in a land that forgot its humanity, and embraced the lessons of doubts and fears.


Looks an interesting post, but I need more clarity and less alcohol to fully asses that :D

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Because we now have more interaction with each other it is more prevalent, so we adjust our behavioural instincts accordingly.


How could we have a global community without overcoming our instinctive nature to be dubious of one and other ?


The topic I raise is about an instinct that pre dates our ability to communicate verbally and via other media, so maybe although the wiring is still within us, we are capable of understanding it and ignoring/outlawing it to man's greater good ?


Why would we ignore and outlaw something which is supposedly a natural instinct? Question? Are you a hard wired racist genetically? Or do you believe you are without consciously knowing it? If so what evidence can you provide other than most species are genetically hard wired to fear?..which isn't the same as hard wired to racism or any other ..'ism.


You be careful now, the 'genetically hard wired' posters on here will blow a fuse if you outsmart them :D


I'm not sure you understand..the poster you are replying to is a 'genetically hard wired' advocate, or if not, is proposing the "theory".


They require PROOF so please insert links to the DM and The Guardian etc, then studies, polls and theories presented by our wonderful university bred academics and politicians of course !


Yes, evidence is quite a wonderful thing, without it you'd be afraid to travel a couple of hundred miles without the fear of falling off the edge.


---------- Post added 12-12-2013 at 01:20 ----------



Looks an interesting post, but I need more clarity and less alcohol to fully asses that :D


I think you'll find that if erebus was to answer the question "Is Racism wired into you genetically? in a shorter form, it would read NO, it's a load of ********.

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Interesting post from Erebus, thanks, makes a lot of sense. I also think it's more of a social learned thing, rather than something biologically programmed in to us (which, if you're going to argue that case, how would nature benefit from such a dynamic?).


I'm mostly curious as to why I feel slight discomfort when interacting with some people of diffenert ethnic background to myself. I don't think I'm racist though, and have friends who are coloured who I get on with extremely well (mostly it's strangers where I feel some discomfort).

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