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Should e bayers have their own queue in post offices

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it seems to becoming the normal when you go into a post office , sureley its about time you had your own quiue for all those goodies , you hold everyone else up and never have any cash in your pocket, now wheres my card to pay for it all :rant: oh and can i just check how much parcel number 3 was ,

oh sorry theres 2 more, are you sure they dont fit through the package slot

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kept going before em


Think you will find the only growing business nesides junk mail for Royal Mail is in parcels and and that means internet items.


It would be a good idea if there was an economic need. Pwerhaps you can contact Royal Mail to make your case otherwise wait in line like everyone else.

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Fancy, people using the post office to post things.


Although when I was eBaying in large volume, before it got popular and the margins dropped out, I used Smartstamp to print my own labels, the Post Office gave me some sacks to take home, I just printed labels up, filled the sacks and dropped them off.


I didn't have to queue nor did I hold anyone up, just walked up to the window, popped the bags through and picked up a couple more sacks.



Do eBayers still use RM?


When I restarted for a while, I found that using Collect+ or Hermes was more cost effective. Just meant i dropped the parcels at a corner shop rather than o Post Office Counter

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