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What is wrong with Britain?

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There's nothing wrong with Britain, could do with a bit better seasons though. It's the people in Britain which are the problem.


We need a lovely Spring with sunshine and showers, a fabulous Summer with guaranteed non-stop sunshine for 3 months, a glorious Autumn with magnificent colours and the occasional mist, and a Winter with sharp clear frosts and two weeks of snow either side of Christmas.



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What's wrong with Britain?


Fear. We have become a fearful nation, egged on by a popular press which is rotten to the core.


Rudeness. Too many people are self-obsessed and have no manners.


Poor food. We have lost our way as far as food is concerned. We consume hugely unhealthy amounts of fat and refined sugars and nowhere near enough complex carbohydrates (fruit and veg). We marvel at celebrity chefs on TV... then go and order a takeaway. We are sleepwalking into disaster.

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