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John Terry shops at Poundland

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Old news but what's wrong with JT shopping at Pound World?


Maybe he was picking up some bits for the homeless or something, making up a Christmas shoe box.


He can't win, if he was blowing a load (of money) in Harrods then people would be complaining. He's in Pound World and people are complaining.


Maybe he did it to troll you all.

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Old news but what's wrong with JT shopping at Pound World?


Maybe he was picking up some bits for the homeless or something, making up a Christmas shoe box.


He can't win, if he was blowing a load (of money) in Harrods then people would be complaining. He's in Pound World and people are complaining.


Maybe he did it to troll you all.


That's ok as long as he isn't in front of me in the queue with an enormous high-piled basket;)

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