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Do you feel stressed?

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I have been feeling ok in recent days, getting busy and not thinking about it. Making progres painting whilt 10pm tonight, looking at carpets costing £455 and help from family. The £798 electric bill want good, but when I checked the metre, the metre man had put the wrong reading down, so it maybe around half; the reading is now 39045, they put 40033 !!!!!!!

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Yes I feel stressed. I lost my nanna this year and as she was more like a mum and raised me for most of my childhood it was the biggest blow I've ever taken. I have three LO's and I'm pregnant and everything that is good in my life and positive feels overshadowed by this intense grief. That stresses me no end because I'm no good to my family right now. This has been the worst year of my life.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes. Sometimes the things I read online here stresses me out, and I remind myself to not read it. Then my job is stressful. I am also again on a break. Trying to find sanctuary. My neighbour also harrassed me this week, which got me upset again. I hate it when people put you down, and they feel rightful and just to do so. They openly bully you in different aspect of your life. I hate that.


Just remind yourself of hopeful things to come. Or to focus on the better things in life. :) Sometimes I push back and some people are kind, but others not so. Keep going.

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I never get stressed. I guess the closest I ever come to that feeling is being peed off.


---------- Post added 14-01-2014 at 13:39 ----------


On a general topic- "Do you feel stressed at work?"- try a BBC Website self diagnosis test.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-25316690


You scored 6 out of 32


0-16 low stress, 17-24 medium stress, 25-32 high stress


You are generally coping well with the day-to-day pressure you are under.

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I think stress is just part and parcel of modern day life it's how we handle it that is important . Don't stress about the things you cannot change ! Put that energy in to something you can change to make your life better :)

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