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Dripping cake (johnsbucket)


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Dripping cake

at work its snap time or some would call lunch

so off t bread shop for summat to munch

the que is quite long so whats on view

aye that fat in container looks pretty good too

lass ask me, what would you like duck?

One of them dripping cakes with a bit of muck!

Does tha want salt on and cut in two

there will be half for me and half for you

not bloody likely leave it as one

i give her fifty pence and then im gone

leaving with my dripping cake gripped in my hand

put to me mouth oohh that taste grand

some will say that my eating ain't right healthy

but from time we come on eer we'er all gunn'a dee

and give me a dripping cake and i'll worry about that

i don't care much for this healthy chat.


Jb nov 2013

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