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US drone kills 13 wedding guests in Yemen

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Its the only option, there is no reasoning with them, you can't bribe them, and we can't give them what they want, all that is left is decades of trying to kill them all.








Yes you said that before, and like I said, do you think they are all Islamist terrorists, if not then its why keep mentioning it.



There isn't an other way, all we can do is keep killing them.




If Islam can't deal with the issues within their religion, then its left to us to deal with it, and there is no reasoning with people that believe God wants them to kill non believers.


So that's your answer to the problem? Kill them. Keep Killing them. That is your well thought out considered plan of action?


And what do you think the response will be to that solution ? Have you ever heard the saying ' An eye for an eye ends up with everybody blind ' ?

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This is what some Muslims say about it.



Is It Islamic or Islamist

The left is wrongly defending Islamism—an extremist and at times violent ideology—which it confuses with the common person’s Islam, while the right is often wrongly attacking the Muslim faith, which it confuses with Islamism. Western thinkers must begin to recognize the difference between Islamism and Islam, or we are headed toward an ideologically defined battle with one quarter of humanity.


The blurry line between Islam and Islamism

We have attempted to placate ourselves, following the savage murder of Drummer Rigby, by deploying a dichotomy: Islam (and ordinary Muslims) versus this thing ‘Islamism’. Islam is a noble and peaceable faith which we must all respect, whereas Islamism is a corrosive and aggressive political ideology, and the two — weirdly — have nothing to do with one another.


Actually this is an area of debate I wasn't familiar with, so I can't comment until I have read up on it some more.


Even if the two have separate semantic meaning, it doesn't counter the point I am making - committing atrocities such as I posted about in the original post does nothing to resolve the issue, if there is indeed a semantic difference, all it does is turn muslims into being 'islamists'. I am sure you can see the sense in that argument?

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So that's your answer to the problem? Kill them. Keep Killing them. That is your well thought out considered plan of action?


Whats the alternative?


---------- Post added 14-12-2013 at 07:27 ----------


Actually this is an area of debate I wasn't familiar with, so I can't comment until I have read up on it some more.


Even if the two have separate semantic meaning, it doesn't counter the point I am making - committing atrocities such as I posted about in the original post does nothing to resolve the issue, if there is indeed a semantic difference, all it does is turn muslims into being 'islamists'. I am sure you can see the sense in that argument?


Any Muslims that can be turned into Islamist terrorists, must have been an Islamist in the first place, or a sheep.

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When someone gives a possible reason/motive for a terrorist incident it doesn't mean they are an apologist for Muslim terrorists.


Don't worry akhi- more revealing stuff will come when the lies and murdering ways of the so called 'good forces' are exposed- we can look forward to the new documentary Dirty Wars to show this.


Synopsis (from the film site):


Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill travels to Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, and other countries where the United States has taken military action. In Afghanistan, he investigates the United States military and government cover-up of the deaths of five civilians, including two pregnant women killed by US soldiers from the Joint Special Operations Command. He also investigates the U.S. assassination of an American citizen named Anwar al-Awlaki. The documentary also shares testimonies from CIA agents, Special Forces operators, military generals, and warlords backed by United States
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Shame you haven't been inspired by the deeds of an old African bloke who shook a seven last week.


Mandelas "real" legacy is to have got out before his ANC buddies took South Africa completely down the toilet. In another 5-10 years South Africa will be on its knees. The leaders of the ANC living in luxury and the economy in so much debt even the IMF won't look at a bail out. Already foreign investors won't go near because of the stake the ANC demand in overseas businesses.


That is the reality.

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Mandelas "real" legacy is to have got out before his ANC buddies took South Africa completely down the toilet. In another 5-10 years South Africa will be on its knees. The leaders of the ANC living in luxury and the economy in so much debt even the IMF won't look at a bail out. Already foreign investors won't go near because of the stake the ANC demand in overseas businesses.


That is the reality.


Whatever Mandela's legacy in SA he inspired the world and showed that once bitter enemies can reach an accommodation, that was my point.

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Shame you haven't been inspired by the deeds of an old African bloke who shook a seven last week.


What would that solve, did he have special powers to stop people killing each other, my guess is no because African's are still killing each other.


---------- Post added 14-12-2013 at 11:35 ----------


Whatever Mandela's legacy in SA he inspired the world and showed that once bitter enemies can reach an accommodation, that was my point.


But not when God is involved and has told his followers to kill everyone else, to solve the problem would involve Islamists admitting that God doesn't exist, or that the Qur'an isn't the word of God.


I don't think that is very likley in the near future, killing them makes everyone happy, they go to paradise and the people left on earth are much safer.

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