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US drone kills 13 wedding guests in Yemen

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The USA decided to take up the crown the British had once held, inheriting the ethos of Empire, where there are two sorts of people in the world, Them and US. We have to exterminate THEM and apart from various forms of weaponry, drones for instance need improvement, and what is wrong with constant practice to fine tune the technology?


We also use economic sanctions, thus getting to the core of the matter, cutting down population growth. Deprivation of essential nutrients during child development, can assist an increase in many of THEM not reaching adulthood, and thus the ability to breed.


In areas of past targeted influence, the use of the nuclear weaponry, allows that even those that do survive nutrient premature death, are physiologically deformed, with legs missing, brains spewing out of missing skull casing, as well as other serious deformities, as Felluga in Iraq demonstrates, keeps parents at home in order to look after what is left of their dream of a family life, thus keeping out of the way.


Exporting, through injection the nuclear weaponry through drone strikes peppers area resistant to the joys of the jackboot, through particle health hazards, thus introducing further spread of genetic damage through radioactive particles tha t should remain toxic for 100, 000 years more or less the time some suggest we as a modern human species have been on this planet.


Eugenics has got a bad press, but it is a very good method of making species stronger. Thus it is essential to weed out THEM, gradually terminate their breeding capacity, as well as providing an area for technological progress through the terminology of collateral damage, for which we are always very sorry, as crocodile tears flow freely, and then the bombings are repeated over and over again.


Heard the news where lots are feared dead after another assassination drone attacked a boat in a river in Pakistan’s Khyber, so more crocodile activity. Thus demonstrating the versatility of the sport drones give to the ardent player.

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The USA decided to take up the crown the British had once held, inheriting the ethos of Empire, where there are two sorts of people in the world, Them and US. We have to exterminate THEM and apart from various forms of weaponry, drones for instance need improvement, and what is wrong with constant practice to fine tune the technology?


We also use economic sanctions, thus getting to the core of the matter, cutting down population growth. Deprivation of essential nutrients during child development, can assist an increase in many of THEM not reaching adulthood, and thus the ability to breed.


In areas of past targeted influence, the use of the nuclear weaponry, allows that even those that do survive nutrient premature death, are physiologically deformed, with legs missing, brains spewing out of missing skull casing, as well as other serious deformities, as Felluga in Iraq demonstrates, keeps parents at home in order to look after what is left of their dream of a family life, thus keeping out of the way.


Exporting, through injection the nuclear weaponry through drone strikes peppers area resistant to the joys of the jackboot, through particle health hazards, thus introducing further spread of genetic damage through radioactive particles tha t should remain toxic for 100, 000 years more or less the time some suggest we as a modern human species have been on this planet.


Eugenics has got a bad press, but it is a very good method of making species stronger. Thus it is essential to weed out THEM, gradually terminate their breeding capacity, as well as providing an area for technological progress through the terminology of collateral damage, for which we are always very sorry, as crocodile tears flow freely, and then the bombings are repeated over and over again.


Heard the news where lots are feared dead after another assassination drone attacked a boat in a river in Pakistan’s Khyber, so more crocodile activity. Thus demonstrating the versatility of the sport drones give to the ardent player.


Are you unwell?

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What would that solve, did he have special powers to stop people killing each other, my guess is no because African's are still killing each other.


---------- Post added 14-12-2013 at 11:35 ----------



But not when God is involved and has told his followers to kill everyone else, to solve the problem would involve Islamists admitting that God doesn't exist, or that the Qur'an isn't the word of God.


I don't think that is very likley in the near future, killing them makes everyone happy, they go to paradise and the people left on earth are much safer.




The South African farming community has suffered from attacks for many years. According to interviews by apprehended suspects these attacks are a way for black people to express their anger for the many years they were oppressed by the whites.[1] The majority of the attackers have been young blacks, and the majority of the victims have been white Afrikaner farmers, with claims of death tolls of more than 4,000 cited in the national and international media.[2][3] While the government describes the attacks as simply part of the bigger picture of crime in South Africa, white campaigners point to brutal attacks and incidents involving self-declared anti-white motivations as evidence of a campaign to drive them off their land.[4]


The ANC government has responded to the farm murders by disbanding the Commandos, a rural self-defence network which protected against and responded to attacks. The disbandment of the Commandos has been linked to the escalating level of farm attacks.[5] In 2010, the issue garnered greater international attention in light of the murder of the far-right political figure Eugène Terre'Blanche on his farm.[6]

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Whats the alternative?


---------- Post added 14-12-2013 at 07:27 ----------




That's what we pay the politicians to work out. To date they haven't covered themselves with glory.


To me establishing close links with non fanatic - the majority - Muslims & persuading them by every means possible that it's in everyone's interests to live in peace might be an idea. It would help enormously if we could refrain from invading any more Muslim countries in the meantime.


Every country's children are taught history from the point of view of the country concerned. Arguably that's part of the problem.


If you look back at the history of this particular conflict it wasn't the Muslims that turned up uninvited in Britain was it?

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That's what we pay the politicians to work out. To date they haven't covered themselves with glory.


To me establishing close links with non fanatic - the majority - Muslims & persuading them by every means possible that it's in everyone's interests to live in peace might be an idea. It would help enormously if we could refrain from invading any more Muslim countries in the meantime.


Every country's children are taught history from the point of view of the country concerned. Arguably that's part of the problem.


If you look back at the history of this particular conflict it wasn't the Muslims that turned up uninvited in Britain was it?


What is a Muslim country?

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The USA decided to take up the crown the British had once held, inheriting the ethos of Empire, where there are two sorts of people in the world, Them and US. We have to exterminate THEM and apart from various forms of weaponry, drones for instance need improvement, and what is wrong with constant practice to fine tune the technology?


We also use economic sanctions, thus getting to the core of the matter, cutting down population growth. Deprivation of essential nutrients during child development, can assist an increase in many of THEM not reaching adulthood, and thus the ability to breed.


In areas of past targeted influence, the use of the nuclear weaponry, allows that even those that do survive nutrient premature death, are physiologically deformed, with legs missing, brains spewing out of missing skull casing, as well as other serious deformities, as Felluga in Iraq demonstrates, keeps parents at home in order to look after what is left of their dream of a family life, thus keeping out of the way.


Exporting, through injection the nuclear weaponry through drone strikes peppers area resistant to the joys of the jackboot, through particle health hazards, thus introducing further spread of genetic damage through radioactive particles tha t should remain toxic for 100, 000 years more or less the time some suggest we as a modern human species have been on this planet.


Eugenics has got a bad press, but it is a very good method of making species stronger. Thus it is essential to weed out THEM, gradually terminate their breeding capacity, as well as providing an area for technological progress through the terminology of collateral damage, for which we are always very sorry, as crocodile tears flow freely, and then the bombings are repeated over and over again.


Heard the news where lots are feared dead after another assassination drone attacked a boat in a river in Pakistan’s Khyber, so more crocodile activity. Thus demonstrating the versatility of the sport drones give to the ardent player.


You haven't quite got a grip on this Empire thing have you? The aim is to exploit the natives not kill them all.

You only kill enough to persuade the rest to do as they are instructed.


Killing everyone would mean you would have to do the work yourself. That would never do, it gets damn hot out in Johny Foreigner land you know.


---------- Post added 14-12-2013 at 12:40 ----------


What is a Muslim country?


Any country where the majority of the population are Muslim. In exactly the same way that England is referred to as a Christian country. Why do you ask?

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What is a Muslim country?


I guess Pakistan could be described as such; after all, it was set up as a separate homeland for Muslims. I'm not being a smartarse 'cos I know what you mean. Countries are, and should be, nation states in my humble. I can't help but think it's divisive and a backward step to call a country a Muslim / Jewish / Christian country.

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That's what we pay the politicians to work out. To date they haven't covered themselves with glory.



That what they did, they deciding killing them was the answer, do you agree with them?


---------- Post added 14-12-2013 at 12:50 ----------


Any country where the majority of the population are Muslim. In exactly the same way that England is referred to as a Christian country. Why do you ask?


So you don't think we should help Muslims that are being killed and tortured by their Islamist leaders?

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Any country where the majority of the population are Muslim. In exactly the same way that England is referred to as a Christian country. Why do you ask?



I guess Pakistan could be described as such; after all, it was set up as a separate homeland for Muslims. I'm not being a smartarse 'cos I know what you mean. Countries are, and should be, nation states in my humble. I can't help but think it's divisive and a backward step to call a country a Muslim / Jewish / Christian country.


Well the UK is a secular country for a start. Folk are free to believe whatever mumbo jumbo they want. Most seem not to believe any of it. But the idea of a country being a Muslim country is the whole problem. The religious nuts want to dictate peoples lives and force them to believe the same tripe they do.

There isn't a country on the planet that was born a Muslim country. Most "Muslim countries" wil have evolved through 50 religions before the current crack pots turned up, and will no doubt evolve through a load more before reality sets in.


So the idea that a country is "Muslim" harks back to the 7th century. The fact that the populations of these particular countries are so brainwashed that they set religion above national status is where the problem stems from.


---------- Post added 14-12-2013 at 12:58 ----------


Any country where the majority of the population are Muslim. In exactly the same way that England is referred to as a Christian country. Why do you ask?


So should the UK treat Muslims in the same way that say Algeria treats Jews?

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