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My mrs has an Iraqi woman friend who came here in 2003, she has relatives still in Iraq and visits every couple of years and says life was better under Saddam than it is now.

Please keep your pro Iraq war propaganda to yourself as I would rather believe an Iraqi person who has experienced it and has connections to the country along with all the other evidence that has emerged since rather than an American citizen who is just repeating the govt line.

Wasn't it the US that supplied Saddam the chemical weapons in the first place and why didn't the US speak up and take action at the time of Halabja?

An Israeli source also saying it was based on lies= http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-real-lies-about-the-iraq-war/


You're living in the democratic west boy so shurrup cos in this part of the world folks are allowed to air their opinions freely.


You may be living in the Sceptered Island these days but I did two years in the Queens Army to protect it's way of life and freedom of speech, which is a lot more than you ever did so again shurrup. If you dont like my posts then ignore them and do us both a favour.. but never tell me to keep my opinions to myself.... Never! Got It!

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You'll never convince the conspiracy theorists otherwise. The old parrot cry "it was the oil" just keeps being repeated over and again. Saddam was a loose cannon by any standards:


Used chemical weapons against Iraqi Kurds. Photos of dead women and kids were shown around the world

Invaded Kuwait and imposed a brutal occupation in which hundreds of Kuwaitis were executed.


Destroyed Kuwait's oil fields when forced to withdraw.


Fired Scud missiles at Israel during the conflict hoping to ignite a total war involving all Arab states against Israel the consequences had that happened very obvious


The Iraqi Shia faction had been oppressed for decades under Saddam.


Those whio argue that it would have been better to have left Saddam alone can only be guilty of arrogance. Who are any people living in the democratic west qualified to say that the Iraqis were better off under Saddam ? Did any of them live there and see what day to day life was under Saddam.


The reason that Iraq is in the state it is today is because there was a failure among the Iraqis themselves to seize an opportunity to move towards a democracy despite all the aid that was available. Iran's meddling has also contributed to much of the problem also


If Bush and Blair should "stand trial at the Hague" so should Cameron and Sarkozy. There was less reason for them to declare war on Ghadaffi than Bush and Blair on Iraq. Ghadaffi had put his terrorist years behind him. He was no threat to the west or the rest of the middle east. Obama should have stayed out of that one but was coerced by Cameron and Sarkozy to provide backup using misisle strikes. Libya today is no better off than it was under Ghadaffi


"Used chemical weapons against Iraqi Kurds. Photos of dead women and kids were shown around the world"


Weapons were supplied by the USA exactly for that purpose....Israeli foreign policy


Gaza - 100s of kids heads blown off by f16s - Photos of dead women and kids were NOT shown around the world....Zionist media?

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"Used chemical weapons against Iraqi Kurds. Photos of dead women and kids were shown around the world"


Weapons were supplied by the USA exactly for that purpose....Israeli foreign policy


Gaza - 100s of kids heads blown off by f16s - Photos of dead women and kids were NOT shown around the world....Zionist media?


I pretty sure the weapons were supplied to help in the war against Iran.

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"Used chemical weapons against Iraqi Kurds. Photos of dead women and kids were shown around the world"


Weapons were supplied by the USA exactly for that purpose....Israeli foreign policy


Gaza - 100s of kids heads blown off by f16s - Photos of dead women and kids were NOT shown around the world....Zionist media?


Any photos of dead Israelis killed by Hamas rockets? Any photos of Iraqis killed by each other because some silly bugger thinks he or she will gain glory in martydom?


No chemical weapons were ever supplied to Saddam by the US... fact. Iraqi scientists were quite able to produce them without any outside help. Making a chemical weapon is quite easy even for a moron.

Try mixing bleach or chlorine with another cleaning solvent and see what happens when you inhale it DUH !

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I pretty sure the weapons were supplied to help in the war against Iran.


He was armed to the teeth to keep him in power. including chemical attacks against Kurdish resistance forces!


He was also helped by USA in the war over iran (National Security Decision Directive 114 of Nov. 26, 1983). A war he was told to start resulting in millions dead. The directive stated that the United States would do “whatever was necessary and legal” to prevent Iraq from losing the war with Iran.


---------- Post added 14-12-2013 at 22:32 ----------


Any photos of dead Israelis killed by Hamas rockets? Any photos of Iraqis killed by each other because some silly bugger thinks he or she will gain glory in martydom?


No chemical weapons were ever supplied to Saddam by the US... fact. Iraqi scientists were quite able to produce them without any outside help. Making a chemical weapon is quite easy even for a moron.

Try mixing bleach or chlorine with another cleaning solvent and see what happens when you inhale it DUH !



The not so top secret cia files...fact :)


The U.S. knew Hussein was launching some of the worst chemical attacks in history and still gave him a hand.



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Harleyman. So Hans Blix UN chief weapons inspector, Nick Clegg British Deputy Prime Minister & Lord Goldsmith Tony Blair's former chief legal adviser are all conspiracy theorists according to you?


Care to give a believable reason as to why that might be so?


My God they really indoctrinated you didn't they? What the hell do they do in boot camp? Do they subject you to aural & visual stimulation/deprivation until you are ready to believe any old crap the authorities serve up?


George Bush senior was a decent guy who served his country well in both peace & war.


His son is a weak draft dodging no mark who, in an attempt to outshine his father, allowed himself to be manipulated by Cheney & Rumsfeld into engaging in an illegal war that brought fortune for each of them.

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You're living in the democratic west boy so shurrup cos in this part of the world folks are allowed to air their opinions freely.


You may be living in the Sceptered Island these days but I did two years in the Queens Army to protect it's way of life and freedom of speech, which is a lot more than you ever did so again shurrup. If you dont like my posts then ignore them and do us both a favour.. but never tell me to keep my opinions to myself.... Never! Got It!


You can air your opinions freely old man just the same way I am allowed to point out that what you are airing is based on propaganda.

Just because you served in the army it doesn't give you the right to talk down to people as if you are of a higher status than people who haven't served in the forces.

You were getting paid for serving in the forces so you wasn't doing it for nothing were you?

I've got no beef with you personally so don't go off as if I have, I actually enjoy reading yours and bucks posts as it gives us an American perspective of things even though I may not always agree.

Did you go red in the face while typing out the reply to my post? :hihi::hihi:

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You can air your opinions freely old man just the same way I am allowed to point out that what you are airing is based on propaganda.Just because you served in the army it doesn't give you the right to talk down to people as if you are of a higher status than people who haven't served in the forces.

You were getting paid for serving in the forces so you wasn't doing it for nothing were you?

I've got no beef with you personally so don't go off as if I have, I actually enjoy reading yours and bucks posts as it gives us an American perspective of things even though I may not always agree.

Did you go red in the face while typing out the reply to my post? :hihi::hihi:


Well that's mighty white of you old man. For a moment I thought you were telling me to keep my opinions to myself cos I live in America these days and we must all be victims of Israeli propaganda


And whose to say what is is "propaganda" and what is not? Who appointed you the Grand Vizar Of All Truth anyway? Delusional is akin to insanity :D


No I didnt go red in the face. I'm sun burned from several decades here. If I didnt have blue eyes and graying blond hair I too could pass for an Iraqi man

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Why, I have never heard any suggestion that Iraq was responsible for the 11 September or that Iraq and al-Qa’ida were working together. Its not something I have heard to ever justify the war, which makes them irrelevant.


You never heard these accusations? They were both big stories in the news before the invasion of Iraq and used as a justification for the war. Look it up on Google if you don't believe me.


---------- Post added 15-12-2013 at 00:19 ----------


My mrs has an Iraqi woman friend who came here in 2003, she has relatives still in Iraq and visits every couple of years and says life was better under Saddam than it is now.


I can believe that Iraq was a better place under Saddam, well unless you were an opponent of his regime. He was a nasty dictator, but in the big scheme of things there would have been less death and suffering if he'd been left in power. He was pretty well locked down and unable to launch any attack under the sanctions and no-fly zone of the time.


I used to read the Riverbend Blog written by a young Iraqi woman that reported on the decline and suffering in Iraq post-invasion. It won awards and was serialised on Radio 4 as well as being published as a book. It ended when her family fled the country.


Apart from one update this year:



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Wow its great to pop back on here to find HardlyAMan standing up for a corrupt leadership again..

Funny how if you bombard him with actual facts he clams up and refuses to post.. ;)

The US government are a bunch of criminals and to use missiles on foreign countries outside a declaration of war is a crime that should be punishable by death!!

The Patriot act is bull****, Terrorism is a lie used to scare the public into accepting any decision that the president makes wether it be agreed to by congress or not and what is more the US public have agreed to domestic drones..

I was mocked by hardlyAMan a year ago for the mere suggestion and now it is on the cover of Time magazine.


Wake up dummy! Obama is coming after YOU!!!

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