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US drone kills 13 wedding guests in Yemen

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Wow its great to pop back on here to find HardlyAMan standing up for a corrupt leadership again..

Funny how if you bombard him with actual facts he clams up and refuses to post.. ;)

The US government are a bunch of criminals and to use missiles on foreign countries outside a declaration of war is a crime that should be punishable by death!!

The Patriot act is bull****, Terrorism is a lie used to scare the public into accepting any decision that the president makes wether it be agreed to by congress or not and what is more the US public have agreed to domestic drones..

I was mocked by hardlyAMan a year ago for the mere suggestion and now it is on the cover of Time magazine.


Wake up dummy! Obama is coming after YOU!!!


You only get your dumb facts from Gordo El Fartez on Youtube little man. The Arab world declared war on the US on 9/11. That was an act of war perpetrated by Saud extremists and hailed across the rest of the Arab world as a great day for Jihadism. It wasnt a declaration of war in the conventional sense but it was an act of war.


Let the drones fly. The more the better


---------- Post added 15-12-2013 at 02:38 ----------


Harleyman. So Hans Blix UN chief weapons inspector, Nick Clegg British Deputy Prime Minister & Lord Goldsmith Tony Blair's former chief legal adviser are all conspiracy theorists according to you?


Care to give a believable reason as to why that might be so?


My God they really indoctrinated you didn't they? What the hell do they do in boot camp? Do they subject you to aural & visual stimulation/deprivation until you are ready to believe any old crap the authorities serve up?George Bush senior was a decent guy who served his country well in both peace & war.


His son is a weak draft dodging no mark who, in an attempt to outshine his father, allowed himself to be manipulated by Cheney & Rumsfeld into engaging in an illegal war that brought fortune for each of them.




What the hell did YouTube do to you? What makes you think that Iraq was better off under Saddam? There you sit in your nice safe little retreat in Sheffield preaching about what was good for people in a country thousands of miles away and in which you never set foot on. Saddam wasnt that far removed from that other murderous little bestard Kim Il Jong of North Korea.


Maybe if one had asked an Iraqi with some knowledeg of other countries which PM Britain was better off under he might have answered Blair or Thatcher. You of course would have had a s**t fit and called him a misguided idiot. So are you risking placing yourself in the same category as he? :hihi:


Whose fault is it if the Iraqis were too backward and stupid to move forward after the fall of Saddam?


Yes mistakes were made in ever getting involved in that part of th world. We would have done better developing a great big safe and permanent habitat in the Saraha for all endangerd wild life than wasting time on sky pixie worshipping suicidal wannabe martyrs.


As for Bush. No hero he as far as i'm concerned. I didnt need you educational course on him. He was our president for 8 years.


He gave a lot of money and other help for AIDs victims in Africa and got a bill passed through Congress which benefited a lot of people who need prescription drugs so give the man some credit in spite of his other faults


Yowzer !!!

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You never heard these accusations? They were both big stories in the news before the invasion of Iraq and used as a justification for the war. Look it up on Google if you don't believe me.



Here is a selection of reasons for action articulated in the run-up to the war.


Thursday, 29 May 2003



No mention that Iraq was responsible for the 11 September or that Iraq and al-Qa’ida were working together.




I wonder how many Muslims Saddam would have killed in an uprising if he was still in power, my guess, probably more than have died in Iraq since the war.

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how do you know that bf ? did he tell you:huh::D


As usual you're missing the sentiment in the point I made, one of the qualities Mandela was celebrated for was his belief in reconciliation and not being swayed by the actions of others.

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You only get your dumb facts from Gordo El Fartez on Youtube little man. The Arab world declared war on the US on 9/11. That was an act of war perpetrated by Saud extremists and hailed across the rest of the Arab world as a great day for Jihadism. It wasnt a declaration of war in the conventional sense but it was an act of war.


Let the drones fly. The more the better


---------- Post added 15-12-2013 at 02:38 ----------





What the hell did YouTube do to you? What makes you think that Iraq was better off under Saddam? There you sit in your nice safe little retreat in Sheffield preaching about what was good for people in a country thousands of miles away and in which you never set foot on. Saddam wasnt that far removed from that other murderous little bestard Kim Il Jong of North Korea.


Maybe if one had asked an Iraqi with some knowledeg of other countries which PM Britain was better off under he might have answered Blair or Thatcher. You of course would have had a s**t fit and called him a misguided idiot. So are you risking placing yourself in the same category as he? :hihi:


Whose fault is it if the Iraqis were too backward and stupid to move forward after the fall of Saddam?


Yes mistakes were made in ever getting involved in that part of th world. We would have done better developing a great big safe and permanent habitat in the Saraha for all endangerd wild life than wasting time on sky pixie worshipping suicidal wannabe martyrs.


As for Bush. No hero he as far as i'm concerned. I didnt need you educational course on him. He was our president for 8 years.


He gave a lot of money and other help for AIDs victims in Africa and got a bill passed through Congress which benefited a lot of people who need prescription drugs so give the man some credit in spite of his other faults


Yowzer !!!

THe arab world? what all of it? really if you believe that it speaks volumes.


re bush,

'Give the man some credit'? are you for real, he could have done so much good in the world but chose instead to reign terror on soo many, in the name of profit and business.

Sometimes you don't half spout some rubbish.


you compare saddam to kim jong, then try and play down your own murderous leaders actions by quoting some humanitarian effort.

I reckon bush is responsible for more deaths than the others combined.


your patriotism as usual ensures that you believe you are on the side of the just.

Your not, we're not, no-one is.

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and like i said maybe the people of other countries should follow suit :roll:


It might be what Mandela preached, but it wasn't what his government delivered. Thousands of white farmers were forced from their land and murdered whilst he was president. This practice was repeated under each subsequent president. Even the force that protected rural communities was disbanded so that the attacks could continue at a pace.



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It might be what Mandela preached, but it wasn't what his government delivered. Thousands of white farmers were forced from their land and murdered whilst he was president. This practice was repeated under each subsequent president. Even the force that protected rural communities was disbanded so that the attacks could continue at a pace.




It's very much what Mandela delivered, remember that many within the ANC and other parties wanted to persecute all whites in SA, I think Mandela should be applauded for resisting that outcome despite his own heinous treatment, things could have been very different.

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