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US drone kills 13 wedding guests in Yemen

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You only get your dumb facts from Gordo El Fartez on Youtube little man. The Arab world declared war on the US on 9/11. That was an act of war perpetrated by Saud extremists and hailed across the rest of the Arab world as a great day for Jihadism. It wasnt a declaration of war in the conventional sense but it was an act of war.





It was said at the time though that 9/11 was in retaliation for the US meddling in Syria.

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THe arab world? what all of it? really if you believe that it speaks volumes.


re bush,

'Give the man some credit'? are you for real, he could have done so much good in the world but chose instead to reign terror on soo many, in the name of profit and business.

Sometimes you don't half spout some rubbish.


you compare saddam to kim jong, then try and play down your own murderous leaders actions by quoting some humanitarian effort.

I reckon bush is responsible for more deaths than the others combined.


your patriotism as usual ensures that you believe you are on the side of the just.

Your not, we're not, no-one is.




Fashionably cynical I see :hihi: 9/11 didnt reign terror an several thousand innocents in New York naturally?


It was an act of war and the perpetrators in their "glorious martydom" didnt give a toss about the repercussions that would follow.


That's the problem. That society has become it's own worst enemy. It perpetrates injustice and inequality in the name of religion, defies progress and forward thinking and glorifies death.


Dont blame Bush. Blame tribal and sectraian hatreds and rivalries which are even now tearing Syria apart and have also done in Iraq and Libya


Once you realize the truth of what I'm saying you might just have a clue before you start airing innacurate and naive opinions


---------- Post added 15-12-2013 at 16:56 ----------


It was said at the time though that 9/11 was in retaliation for the US meddling in Syria.


Wrong. It was Saudi. Bin Laden had an issue with an American Air Force base on Saudi soil.


---------- Post added 15-12-2013 at 17:06 ----------


Agreed, including Britain and the US, its a first, me agreeing with you on something!


Britain is the one with a race and multi-culture problem these days... not the U.S

The U.S has been there, known that, moved on Diversity is a way of life and racial tensions if not already a thing of the past will very soon be.


Judging from all the threads that people on this forum start about immigrants, religion, etc it seems that many still have a problem with it or is this just something that bothers Sheffielders in partcular?

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Britain is the one with a race and multi-culture problem these days... not the U.S

The U.S has been there, known that, moved on Diversity is a way of life and racial tensions if not already a thing of the past will very soon be.


Judging from all the threads that people on this forum start about immigrants, religion, etc it seems that many still have a problem with it or is this just something that bothers Sheffielders in partcular?


Thats not really the issue, the issue unlike the USA is we don't have much land for the immigrants to live on. :)


US population density 35 people per km2


UK population density 262 people per km2

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