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US drone kills 13 wedding guests in Yemen

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Thats not really the issue, the issue unlike the USA is we don't have much land for the immigrants to live on. :)


US population density 35 people per km2


UK population density 262 people per km2


They are not looking for land. Most go to big cities.. areas already developed and where the jobs are to be found. Other's might look for work on farms but again they will find a place to live in a nearby town or village

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They are not looking for land. Most go to big cities.. areas already developed and where the jobs are to be found. Other's might look for work on farms but again they will find a place to live in a nearby town or village


And each extra person decreases the amount of land and resources available for everyone else, which isn't a problem for a country with lots of land and resources, but is a problem for an already over crowded country such a England.

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---------- Post added 15-12-2013 at 16:56 ----------




Wrong. It was Saudi. Bin Laden had an issue with an American Air Force base on Saudi soil.


---------- Post added 15-12-2013 at 17:06 ----------



Britain is the one with a race and multi-culture problem these days... not the U.S

The U.S has been there, known that, moved on Diversity is a way of life and racial tensions if not already a thing of the past will very soon be.


Judging from all the threads that people on this forum start about immigrants, religion, etc it seems that many still have a problem with it or is this just something that bothers Sheffielders in partcular?

Sorry about that Harleyman. Yes, it's just that there's so much going on with Syria at the moment. I did mean Saudi.

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Britain is the one with a race and multi-culture problem these days... not the U.S

The U.S has been there, known that, moved on Diversity is a way of life and racial tensions if not already a thing of the past will very soon be.


Judging from all the threads that people on this forum start about immigrants, religion, etc it seems that many still have a problem with it or is this just something that bothers Sheffielders in partcular?


Although the problem is arguably less noticeable in the US due to a diverse population, you don't want to begin a conversation with a group of Redskins fans about Mexicans. (I used to play a browser game where I ended up in an alliance with Redskins fans, although the majority of them was black and there were quite a few hispanics, they still spouted the biggest xenophobe comments about Mexican immigrants)


Immigration is always difficult for people to cope with. They see their city as their own, not prepared to share it with people they feel have no right to be there. A cousin of my wife grew up in London and lives in a rough part of Salford, the abuse she gets because she is 'posh' is ridiculous.

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Although the problem is arguably less noticeable in the US due to a diverse population, you don't want to begin a conversation with a group of Redskins fans about Mexicans. (I used to play a browser game where I ended up in an alliance with Redskins fans, although the majority of them was black and there were quite a few hispanics, they still spouted the biggest xenophobe comments about Mexican immigrants)


Immigration is always difficult for people to cope with. They see their city as their own, not prepared to share it with people they feel have no right to be there. A cousin of my wife grew up in London and lives in a rough part of Salford, the abuse she gets because she is 'posh' is ridiculous.


Don't know if you've seen it, but there's a Youtube clip of a group of Americans carrying placards demonstrating against Mexican illegal immigration. This rather large long haired Native American pushing a child in a pushchair rolls up & gives them his thoughts on the matter.


I found it quite amusing. :)

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I got first alerted to the fact through a rap group, Delinquent Habits, they rapped in Spanish and English and one of their songs has a chorus: We are all Mexican. they basically state that Mexicans are the new blacks in the States:


"No segregation but plenty of

separation when it comes to my pay,

having worked in your garden all day

black man picking cotton,

Mexican the new rotten"


I can't put all the lyrics here due to the filter, but it opened my eyes, well ears, to something you never hear a lot about...

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I got first alerted to the fact through a rap group, Delinquent Habits, they rapped in Spanish and English and one of their songs has a chorus: We are all Mexican. they basically state that Mexicans are the new blacks in the States:


"No segregation but plenty of

separation when it comes to my pay,

having worked in your garden all day

black man picking cotton,

Mexican the new rotten"


I can't put all the lyrics here due to the filter, but it opened my eyes, well ears, to something you never hear a lot about...


You don't have to be Einstein to figure out who the new blacks are here.

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The FOLLOWING was inspired by the viewpoint of Private Eye, that magazine thingy:


Never let the facts get in the way of opinion, and everyone has the right to defend their stupidity, which is more than evident from the written evidence.


We need drone strikes, and who cares who is killed anyway, just call it accidental, and you can say sorry forever, which is of course the name of the game, plus crocodile tears of regret for the surviving relatives.


Why do we need drone strikes, because we need the practice, accuracy, reliability, and operators professionalism is essential, and them , whoever they are, over there provide good sport for target practice. Plus it is also fun. Have you ever seen a group of people explode, into hundreds of bits, and seen the patterning when it all falls to ground. So patterning is also a learning process.


Anyway regardless of what we say, and what opinions people have, the games continue, as the game spreads to new environments with new challenges. When you kill a family, or a group, and that was the end of the problem, what do you do with the drones and ammunition?


You need to kill, justify it to your own idiotic population, to continue the game. So every drone strike caused a few people to radicalise, hate the killing machinery, and thus provide additional targets for future sport.


Where would the industrial military corporations be without repeat business. So killing the innocent, or whoever , is both fun, and economically viable. In fact it makes sense to increase killing the insignificant ones, to justify government policy.


To stop would be economic madness, and greater unemployment in the countries that count. Western interests count, the rest can be blown to pieces on any excuse. I think it is time to start using nukes, one cannot have then lying around forever doing nothing, its time to fuse and trim.


Obviously Africa and most of the middle east would not appreciate such an effort, but China could easily loose a billion people without it causing a problem. I just hope that Taiwan and Japan with US help can engineer an incident, that can be made newsworthy, to teach China it has no right to challenge the existing powers. Mind you Russia needs a few lessons too, and as for the population of Iran, who gives a dam if they live or die. Well the Israelis and Saudis for a start, and we all know what is their dream outcome, with them big bunker bustin bombs just got from the USA and all the additional weapons purchases recently.


Israel is the major power in the region, an killing a few here , and a war there, testing the weapons out on the GAZA strip, has never bothered anyone, before. But Iran dares to think it can remain an independent state without western corporations running things like in Iraq, they are obviously just a bunch of idiots not to bow to the powerful.


Anyway hope it all starts next year, the pieces are in place, and let the game begin, with the traditional propaganda from the great and the good, we are right and they are not sort of thing. Let us liberate, through destruction, its the only language foreigners seem to understand!

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