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A report today said that 2013 had the highest no. of births since 1972. I will try to find the link. This isn't an anti-immigrant statement but this increase is generally down to the immigrant communities I believe, who are younger and therefore of a child-bearing age and who have more kids per family than the indigenous (?) communities.


Here's the link:




I read the link. My earler assumption was thus incorrect. If the cultures these immigrant groups come from discourage birth control then that is something that could be potential problem as social and welfare services could be overwhelmed.


On the other hand it's important that there will be enough young working people in years to come to keep the NHS and pension systems afloat financially


China with it's one child per family policy has a great big problem heading it's


There is a huge aging population to potentially support yet an imbalance in the ratio of young women to young men so the birth rate has already or will drop unless that policy is changed


I think the Chinese government overstepped the mark on that one

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I read the link. My earler assumption was thus incorrect. If the cultures these immigrant groups come from discourage birth control then that is something that could be potential problem as social and welfare services could be overwhelmed.


On the other hand it's important that there will be enough young working people in years to come to keep the NHS and pension systems afloat financially


China with it's one child per family policy has a great big problem heading it's


There is a huge aging population to potentially support yet an imbalance in the ratio of young women to young men so the birth rate has already or will drop unless that policy is changed


I think the Chinese government overstepped the mark on that one


An aging population isn't an issue, its government scaremongering to justify high immigration.

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An aging population isn't an issue, its government scaremongering to justify high immigration.


sorry but which government representatives have you heard being positive about immigration recently (other than Nick Clegg tonight?) If there is any scaremongering going on it is from people like Farage and the OAP Tory backbenchers who are trying to use immigration as a means to fight out political control.

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An aging population isn't an issue, its government scaremongering to justify high immigration.


So what would be the reason the government have to encourage high immigration other than the obvious that there are many jobs that cannot be filled by the locals because the locals dont want them yet the jobs are vital to the economy and well being of society?

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So what would be the reason the government have to encourage high immigration other than the obvious that there are many jobs that cannot be filled by the locals because the locals dont want them yet the jobs are vital to the economy and well being of society?


Because its the easy option for the government and it keeps wages low and demand for housing high.

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Because its the easy option for the government and it keeps wages low and demand for housing high.


What's gained by low wages? Less tax revenue for the government which doent make sense but you cnnot pay people with little knowledge of the language and no real marketable skills top pay either.


There are unions here pressing ths state government to raise the minimum wage from 9 dollars and hour to 15 dollars an hour. So you raise the pay of someone who flips hamburgers to 15 dollars an hour. Who covers the cost?

The customer of course and if the price of a hamburger rises to 7-8 dollars a pop the customer wont bother much with hamburgers especuilly since it's the less affluent people who are the main customers of fast food outlets.


What happens after that? Either the employee cuts the hours of the 15 dollar an hour employee to keep prices and costs down or somewhere along the line he just closes up shop because no one wants an 8 dollar hamburger anymore.

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What's gained by low wages? Less tax revenue for the government which doent make sense but you cnnot pay people with little knowledge of the language and no real marketable skills top pay either.


There are unions here pressing ths state government to raise the minimum wage from 9 dollars and hour to 15 dollars an hour. So you raise the pay of someone who flips hamburgers to 15 dollars an hour. Who covers the cost?

The customer of course and if the price of a hamburger rises to 7-8 dollars a pop the customer wont bother much with hamburgers especuilly since it's the less affluent people who are the main customers of fast food outlets.


What happens after that? Either the employee cuts the hours of the 15 dollar an hour employee to keep prices and costs down or somewhere along the line he just closes up shop because no one wants an 8 dollar hamburger anymore.


I think what happens is Chevrolet start making cars in Korea rather than Detroit and the folk in Detroit no longer have jobs and can't afford the 8 dollar hamburger any more.

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I think what happens is Chevrolet start making cars in Korea rather than Detroit and the folk in Detroit no longer have jobs and can't afford the 8 dollar hamburger any more.


The days when cars were all exclusively built in their countries of origin ended decades ago. General Motors has plants in Canada, Mexico the UK and Germany and the Buick divison make a very popular car in China. So does Ford


Toyotas, Hondas, Nissans, Volkswagens sold in America and Canada are 90 percent built both in Canada and the US with around 45 content or more transmission and engine components American made.


The auto manufacturing business went global long ago.


---------- Post added 17-12-2013 at 06:20 ----------



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---------- Post added 17-12-2013 at 06:23 ----------


Because its the easy option for the government and it keeps wages low and demand for housing high.


Naturally since the housing market is one of the key factors that drive any economy

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What's gained by low wages? Less tax revenue for the government which doent make sense but you cnnot pay people with little knowledge of the language and no real marketable skills top pay either.


Low wages means more profit for employers, so more tax.


There are unions here pressing ths state government to raise the minimum wage from 9 dollars and hour to 15 dollars an hour. So you raise the pay of someone who flips hamburgers to 15 dollars an hour. Who covers the cost?

The customer of course and if the price of a hamburger rises to 7-8 dollars a pop the customer wont bother much with hamburgers especuilly since it's the less affluent people who are the main customers of fast food outlets.


What happens after that? Either the employee cuts the hours of the 15 dollar an hour employee to keep prices and costs down or somewhere along the line he just closes up shop because no one wants an 8 dollar hamburger anymore.


Yep, so it makes sense to have people desperate to take low paid employment, best way to achieve that is have plenty of unemployed people, best way to achieve that is encourage large scale immigration.


---------- Post added 17-12-2013 at 07:01 ----------


The days when cars were all exclusively built in their countries of origin ended decades ago. General Motors has plants in Canada, Mexico the UK and Germany and the Buick divison make a very popular car in China. So does Ford


Toyotas, Hondas, Nissans, Volkswagens sold in America and Canada are 90 percent built both in Canada and the US with around 45 content or more transmission and engine components American made.


The auto manufacturing business went global long ago.


---------- Post added 17-12-2013 at 06:20 ----------



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---------- Post added 17-12-2013 at 06:23 ----------



Naturally since the housing market is one of the key factors that drive any economy


Its doesn't drive the economy to the benefit of everyone though, it encourages debt and only benefits people with multiple properties. Its leaves millions of young people struggling to pay rent or buy an house.

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This Government, at any rate, does not encourage immigration - it's hands are tied, however, by EU legislation re free movement. What we're not good at is removing people that shouldn't be here. It could be argued that the last government encouraged immigration as new immigrants, seeing where their bread is buttered, are more likely to vote labour. Voting patterns of immigrants does change over time though as they become more established.

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