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US drone kills 13 wedding guests in Yemen

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Three questions.


1, Who's Government authorized military force is in who's country?


2, Historically, which faction, Christian or Muslim first invaded who's territory & killed thousands. And yes, I know about Vienna & southern Spain, but most of Europe?


3, Had no initial attack been carried out by the West against the Muslim world, would there be the problem we currently have?


Whilst I have no time for any religion I have to say that a lot of this problem appears to be self inflicted.

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Well if you are unable to see the difference between a deliberate attack on civilians and an attack that accidentally kills civilians it speaks volumes for you whole attitude.


Would you have seen the difference if a Pakistani drone had accidentally killed 13 British civilians?

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Well if you are unable to see the difference between a deliberate attack on civilians and an attack that accidentally kills civilians it speaks volumes for you whole attitude.


You do understand that Drone attacks invariable kill innocent civilians?


To date in Pakistan alone up to 800 civilians have been killed including 168 children.


Therefore the authorities are fully aware that sending in drones will result in civilian casualties, including children.


Please explain the difference.

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Well if you are unable to see the difference between a deliberate attack on civilians and an attack that accidentally kills civilians it speaks volumes for you whole attitude.


Which deliberate attack are you talking about?


I think that (repeatedly) killing people accidently is somehow more excusable than killing people on purpose is a very odd way of looking at things.


your trying to justify the same thing but for 'your' side.


You do understand that Drone attacks invariable kill innocent civilians?


To date in Pakistan alone up to 800 civilians have been killed including 168 children.


Therefore the authorities are fully aware that sending in drones will result in civilian casualties, including children.


Please explain the difference.


don't you realise? the difference is noble intent.

'honestly guv, we thought them was a threat to us. We're really sorry it was a wedding party (again!) we don't mean to kill civilians. honest'


But they keep doing it any way.

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Which deliberate attack are you talking about?


I think that (repeatedly) killing people accidently is somehow more excusable than killing people on purpose is a very odd way of looking at things.


your trying to justify the same thing but for 'your' side.




don't you realise? the difference is noble intent.

'honestly guv, we thought them was a threat to us. We're really sorry it was a wedding party (again!) we don't mean to kill civilians. honest'


But they keep doing it any way.


Well said. As I posted earlier and you've just explained more eloquently than I could, it's not that different.

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How about the west being angry with Islam for the TENS OF THOUSANDS of innocent westerners who have been killed prior to this? Or is that feeling only allowed to be felt by muslims?


The west makes mistakes like this, albeit harrowing, while some Muslims target and attack innocent civilians. Its a very different situation.


Exactamondo, the war has been going on since islam was created in 632AD.

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Exactamondo, the war has been going on since islam was created in 632AD.


May I remind you of the countless attacks between protestants and catholics in Northern Ireland? Just because it has been going on for a long time doesn't justify it, does it?

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How is this not western interference? Of course this is going to upset people, Al Qaeda is fighting in the name of islam and it is gaining followers because of that cause, guess how that works? They point out the atrocities that Western countries commit, such as this drone attack.


I realise that they conveniently forget to talk about the terrible way they treat civilians, but let that be a problem for those that decide to join their cause.


I absolutely agree with your sentiments. Whether this attack was on a group of terrorists, or on a wedding party, it is still going to create more terrorists.


But it's Al Qaeda that wants to fuel a war between all Muslims and the West, and within that context it's why your statement "people wondering why muslims are angry with Western interference", and the often repeating of statements like it, is music to Al Qaeda's ears with their claims of "Muslim lands".


There is no reason why a Muslim in the UK should be more angered by this attack than a Christian in the UK. I'm angry by these attacks and I'm neither.

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How many american civilians have been engaged in terrorist attacks on civilians in the countries of origin of the 9/11 hijackers?


The post you quote talks about drones killing civilians in muslim states and you ask how many americans are terrorists? How many americans have been killed by islamic drones?


Also, what is a civilian? the terrorists see themselves as soldiers, so I assume you are talking about American soldiers, in that case the answer is: a lot.

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