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ALL FOR CLOVER (johnsbucket)


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My old dog I've had since I was a lad

I got him as a puppy a gift from my dad

The cat from next door, he didn't like that

Probably would of caught it if he wasn't so fat.

He’s not as fit as he was in his early years.

Way back then he had no fears.

I remember that old lady’s face as she summoned me over

Stop your dog it’s trying to hump Clover.

Her pet poodle a winner at the dog show

And my old boy was having a go.

So with regret it was off to the vets

His visit there he would never forget,

He went in there as large as life

Until the vet cut loose with a surgical knife.

He now lies on his back with his legs in the air.

His crown jewels no longer there.


johnsbucket Aug 2013

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