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What can I do now I love fat Terry.

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All year four of us allotment diggers have been rearing Turkey,s for Christmas.

We have boasted as to weight of our birds , Albert, Warnock, Sid and my very own Terry.

The trouble is the time is near and I am just to attached to our Terry.

He stands at my side evry time I sit in the hut gobbling away and even follows me when I go to the gate on the way home.


I have been telling her on the settee not to worry about ordering one from the Market this year as Terry will be ready and waiting ,not only that but he has had a good free range carry on so will be better than all those frozen cage reared imitations .


Another problem is how would the deed be done ,Taggy my mate says you just pull his neck while giving it a twist but I couldn't do that for Nuffields millions.

Gypsy Pete says you should use a chopper as that is the most humane way but I have been told that some times the birds run around without a head for a bit and that would put me off eating our Terry once and for all.


Deep down I know that my pal will have to go but on the other hand he may just see another Christmas.

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Whenever I was at my grandparents I was looking after the rabbits and poultry for Christmas, from a little boy onwards, I got used to eating them, although I never slaughtered them myself, but I can see your problem. If you don't want to eat it, don't.


The quickest and least messy way is indeed to chop the head off, although if you know how to, the hand-flick is effective as well (I presume you don't know how to though).


My grandad just used a big chopping knife, put the animal in question on the chopping board and tap the head of. My uncle prefers the hand-flick, my dad used to use the grey-bin, slap the lid shut on the neck (breaking it) and then taking the head off with a knife. Alternatively he used chloroform, cover the head with a cloth doused in the stuff, but I am not sure how healthy that is...


Basically, if you wince at the thought of any of those, just take it to a licensed butcher and get it done properly.

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If you've become so attached to Terry, why not ask one of your fellow allotment diggers to do a swap for Albert or Warnock or Sid?


It might make Christmas dinner a bit less of an ordeal! :sad:


Sid's already in't freezer and the thought of having a Warnock to dinner would put any sane person of their sprouts forever.

As for Albert well he is half the size of our Terry and would not last beyond boxing day.


---------- Post added 13-12-2013 at 16:48 ----------


Let Terry live,if you murder him you will regret it forever..He sounds really lovable.

I know its making me badly.

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Sid's already in't freezer and the thought of having a Warnock to dinner would put any sane person of their sprouts forever.

As for Albert well he is half the size of our Terry and would not last beyond boxing day.


---------- Post added 13-12-2013 at 16:48 ----------


I know its making me badly.


Well think of his happy little face on Christmas day..You could even invite him in and give his scraggy little (surviving) kneck a bit of tinsel.That would make you both happy.

If I was in your shoes it would really spoil my Christmas.

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Sid's already in't freezer and the thought of having a Warnock to dinner would put any sane person of their sprouts forever.

As for Albert well he is half the size of our Terry and would not last beyond boxing day.


---------- Post added 13-12-2013 at 16:48 ----------


I know its making me badly.

Only one solution then...


...treat him as a family pet :love: until he dies of old age and then... :evil:

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