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What can I do now I love fat Terry.

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Ive been looking for fat Terry on facebook to get a petition up to save him but alas hes nowhere to be seen, Bet youv'e already done the poor buggar in



Terry ant got a computer .

And! Its alrieght for the frozen bird brigade who get their birds wrapped up in a plastic bag to start wanting to save our Terry , its me who gets all the flack, Our Janet's playing hell and fag ash next door but one says she won't turn any more trousers up for me if I [not we just bleeedin me,] eat our Terry.

I am fed up.

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Terry ant got a computer .

And! Its alrieght for the frozen bird brigade who get their birds wrapped up in a plastic bag to start wanting to save our Terry , its me who gets all the flack, Our Janet's playing hell and fag ash next door but one says she won't turn any more trousers up for me if I [not we just bleeedin me,] eat our Terry.

I am fed up.


Tell em Terry has gone on holiday, they waint recognise him without his suit on.

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If it were me, I'd just lay a trail of sausages (or whatever it is that turkeys eat) from Terry's house to the oven. When he's inside it (after the last bit of Cumberland), slam the door shut and spark up the gas!


Several win, win points here ...


1. You don't have to get blood all over the place and won't be able to hear him scream.

2. No plucking involved ... the feathers'll just burn off.

3. The sausages for his journey to the oven will have fattened him up even more! :thumbsup:

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Tell em Terry has gone on holiday, they waint recognise him without his suit on.

Albert and our Terry are behaving very funny ,this morning when I went int pen they both pecked my leg I think that they are missing Warnock and Sid.


Gypsy Pete is also behaving very funny and keeps asking me if I am going to the match this afternoon which is a daft question as he knows I never miss.


I have also seen him talking to Tony the pigeon man who is an expert on bird ringing inc necks.

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Albert and our Terry are behaving very funny ,this morning when I went int pen they both pecked my leg I think that they are missing Warnock and Sid.


Gypsy Pete is also behaving very funny and keeps asking me if I am going to the match this afternoon which is a daft question as he knows I never miss.


I have also seen him talking to Tony the pigeon man who is an expert on bird ringing inc necks.


Perhaps they were voting for Christmas.

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All year four of us allotment diggers have been rearing Turkey,s for Christmas.

We have boasted as to weight of our birds , Albert, Warnock, Sid and my very own Terry.

The trouble is the time is near and I am just to attached to our Terry.

He stands at my side evry time I sit in the hut gobbling away and even follows me when I go to the gate on the way home.


I have been telling her on the settee not to worry about ordering one from the Market this year as Terry will be ready and waiting ,not only that but he has had a good free range carry on so will be better than all those frozen cage reared imitations .


Another problem is how would the deed be done ,Taggy my mate says you just pull his neck while giving it a twist but I couldn't do that for Nuffields millions.

Gypsy Pete says you should use a chopper as that is the most humane way but I have been told that some times the birds run around without a head for a bit and that would put me off eating our Terry once and for all.


Deep down I know that my pal will have to go but on the other hand he may just see another Christmas.


Have you ever thought of a career in comedy writing!!! :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Have you ever thought of a career in comedy writing!!! :hihi::hihi::hihi:

This tread is not a laughing matter but!

I used to be on the football section.


Mind you I have had a play broadcasted on local radio a few years ago, I am still waiting for the fee.

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