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What can I do now I love fat Terry.

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Yes I will be tukking into a big fat turkey ,but I will not feel guilty like you will be because I did not murder him myself, mine will be anonymous to me I did not pledge my love to him like you did.

Sorry but I hope Terrys name goes through your head all through dinner ,even your gravy will be Terry sauce.:rant:

RIP Terry you were a loyal turkey.


Hypocrite. :loopy::rant::huh:


It's a shame it is just the two of us this Christmas, I'd take Terry of your hands otherwise.

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Nar then Cuttsie you heartless swine ar wud dar like it if Gypsy Pete cut thi heerd off hung thi upside darn an stuffed an onion and a packet of Paxo up thi arse?.I don,t think it would appeal to you very much would it?,anyway up a merry Christmas to you enjoy your sprouts and taters with a bit of luck you may get the trots to remind you of this callous act you have instigated against poor innocent Fat Terry!.:rolleyes::mad::(

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Nar then Cuttsie you heartless swine ar wud dar like it if Gypsy Pete cut thi heerd of hung thi upside darn an stuffed an onion and a packet of Paxo up thi arse?.I don,t think it would appeal to you very much would it?,anyway up a merry Christmas to you enjoy your sprouts and taters with a bit of luck you may get the trots to remind you of this callous act you have instigated against poor innocent Fat Terry!.:rolleyes::mad::(


Don't knock it if tha an't tried it!

All the best to you lot ,Whitey,Peter, and thisen.

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Terry is deed !!!!!!!, bloody el lad , I'ed visiuns of yo un Terry walking up the sea front at Brid next summa ...enjoy tha dinna .

The nearest I get to Brid is Saltfleet in Lincolnshire as That is now the only place where I can gaurantee to meet proper Sheffielders who still speak the proper lingo .

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We,ve only got your word that,if I was your family I wouldn,t eat the parsons nose area!:gag::gag::roll::confused:


I have always been partial to a bird with a plenty of meyt around the breast and tail feathers.


Terry's in the oven and the heat numbers have been polished of the dials so we are having a row!.

She says we should have a new oven ,I say that they should last more than thirty two years .


She has bought me a torch for Christmas.

Love int it!

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I have always been partial to a bird with a plenty of meyt around the breast and tail feathers.


Terry's in the oven and the heat numbers have been polished of the dials so we are having a row!.

She says we should have a new oven ,I say that they should last more than thirty two years .

She has bought me a torch for Christmas.

Love int it!


That should come in handy when she locks thi out.


Wimin eh! alus thinkin ahead.

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