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Parental Discipline

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It will associate not obeying you with pain. How can you not understand this? The fire didn't cause them pain, you did, when you hit them, because they didn't do as you said.


You're calling me a liar, but I suppose you're not trying to offend me. You're so transparent you could be used as a window. I'm still not convinced that you aren't actually 15, you argue like you are.


You aren't correct, you haven't actually tried to make any logical argument, you've just repeated over and over that you're right, that doesn't make it true.

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It will associate not obeying you with pain. How can you not understand this? The fire didn't cause them pain, you did, when you hit them, because they didn't do as you said.

There wasn't an instruction to obey because the child was too young to understand such an instruction.



You're calling me a liar, but I suppose you're not trying to offend me.

I haven't accused you of lying, so your point is moot.



You're so transparent you could be used as a window. I'm still not convinced that you aren't actually 15, you argue like you are.

Clearly not if you think I'm 15.




You aren't correct, you haven't actually tried to make any logical argument,

I don't need to make a logical argument to be correct, and because you don't know any of my family you can't possibly know that I am incorrect.

you've just repeated over and over that you're right, that doesn't make it true.


Nor does it make me wrong, which you keep repeating, despite knowing nothing at all about my kids.

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I've told you I wasn't trying to offend you. You keep insisting I was. You are accusing me of lying, which is an insult.


Edit - and you've now admitted to simply hitting a child that couldn't understand an instruction. Not only did they not learn that fire burns, they did learn that you will hit them when they have no understanding of why. Great parenting.


This about sums up your approach to debate doesn't it.

I don't need to make a logical argument to be correct

Of course you don't :rolleyes:

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Nigel Farage revealed that he used to smack his children and said it was important that children had "a little bit of fear of their parents".




I think he is right on, I never believe in pasting your kids and by gum, I had a few when I was playing up as a kid.


Never did me any harm and I always knew if I did things wrong that there was consequences, so I naturally had that in mind before I did owt bad.


But I never believe in bullying kids to make them better human beings, I believe in tough love but in the appropriate way, not making your kids walk on egg shells but do believe they should know who's boss.


So, in 2013, kids run amok in schools, there is no caning or slippers, at homes they rule their guardians, how do we cure this.


Maybe some good old fashioned values, tough love and bit of fear gets the most out of kids to realise their full potential in life.


There is nothing wrong with an occasional smack to discipline a child, but it shouldn't result in them fearing you. If they do fear you then you probably went to far with the smacking.

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There is nothing wrong with an occasional smack to discipline a child, but it shouldn't result in them fearing you. If they do fear you then you probably went to far with the smacking.


What is the point of abusing someone if you don't wish to instil fear?

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How is smacking someone not a form of abuse? Would be okay if I smacked you a little bit for not doing as I tell you? Or is it only okay when it's a child?


Its for the law to determine whether something constitutes abuse, and it would depend on the severity of the smack.


What method of discipline do you use for your kids?

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How is smacking someone not a form of abuse?


I think the point that is being missed in your debate with Angos is that Angos considers smacking a child to keep them away from fire is preventing the child causing themselves serious harm and permanent damage by touching fire.

Obviously different people will have different views and courses of action.

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