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Parental Discipline

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The country has laws, most households and schools have rules, they aren't laws but you would expect the people in these places to obey the rules, school rules are set by the school, household rules are set by parents.

Obeying the rules of the household should lead to obeying the rules of school which should lead to obeying the rules of the land.

If kids get away with disobeying their parents its likely that they will disobey their teachers and likely they will eventually disobey the laws of the country.


So if you break the rules whilst at my house I should be able to spank you?

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That depends on whether you're just trying to be clever :hihi:


I don't see how using the language correctly is "being clever".


Chastise by hitting them, then they're still hitting them aren't they.




That's simply not true. If I tell you not to touch something hot and you won't listen, the police will not attend and beat you until you do as I've said.


Why do we object to children touching hot things - because it harms the child.


IF you have an adult who repeatedly self harms and engages in self destructive behaviour then they will eventually get sectioned under the relevant law and forcibly removed to hospital.


---------- Post added 07-01-2014 at 13:38 ----------


So if you break the rules whilst at my house I should be able to spank you?


IF you are asked to desist and you do not then you become a trespasser - and at that point reasonable force is permissible to eject you if needed.

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I don't see how using the language correctly is "being clever".

Chastise could well include smacking, in which case it's a bit of a trick question.







Why do we object to children touching hot things - because it harms the child.


IF you have an adult who repeatedly self harms and engages in self destructive behaviour then they will eventually get sectioned under the relevant law and forcibly removed to hospital.

They might be, although most people that self harm aren't ever sectioned. I'd have to look it up to see if moderate self harm would be considered to be serious enough to warrant sectioning.


IF you are asked to desist and you do not then you become a trespasser - and at that point reasonable force is permissible to eject you if needed.


Indeed it is. But spanking them to 'teach' them is not. And it wasn't "removal" that was mentioned, it was following the rules of the house. I can't spank an adult who walks mud into my halfway, although I can of course tell them to leave and not return.

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I can't spank an adult who walks mud into my halfway, although I can of course tell them to leave and not return.


Which comes back to my original point. Adults are not children.


In the case of mud in the hallway, I'd require a child of mine to clean it up - in fact that's precisely what happens to my Scouts if they track half the field into the Scout hut after games.

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  • 4 months later...
Following on from this http://www.channel4.com/programmes/mr-drews-school-for-boys/4od#3692431


What is the correct way to discipline a child? Do you believe in the softly softly approach, or are you one of those all guns blazing parents.


I don't think we can shoot them, thats a big no no isn't it? i mean i never shot mine, i thought it was against the law. or at least frowned upon.

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Lack of parental discipline is the cause of the problems with youth today.


If they had been taught right from wrong, how to respect other's and people's property we wouldn't have the troubles we now face - how many of today's youth use the words:

Please and Thank you ?


How do you expect a child to grow up with moral values when their parents display none ?


A good clip around the ear or a smack on the legs is enough when a child is young to tell the child that it has done wrong and makes them think twice about doing it again.


School teachers I feel sorry for, they have a lot to put up with.


When I was a lad, you dare not answer back your school teachers or for that matter anyone in authority.....Police included, nowadays kids don't even respect the them !


Monday 5th May, my wife and I went to the Highland Fling at Graves Park, at one point during the day as we were walking around, a young half cast kid who looked about 6 years old, deliberately kicked a Coke can at my wife - the young mother along with her base ball cap wearing partner saw it, said nothing and just walked past.

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